Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] with the [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The evangelical Hannah More , in her Thoughts on the Importance Or the Manners of the Great to General Society in 1788 , noted that : ‘ Reformation must begin with the GREAT or it will never be effectual .
2 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
3 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
4 Nevertheless they still wanted a worker who could communicate with the young and relate to them .
5 That she could deal with the philosophical and ideological issues related to women 's position in the family is evident from the poem ‘ Man the Monarch ’ in which she debunks the view that men 's sovereignty over women derives from Adam :
6 Besides the Foundation stories , Asimov 's best known book was probably his second , I , Robot ( 1950 ) , in which he promulgated three unalterable ‘ Laws of Robotics ’ — first , that a robot may not harm a human being , or , through inaction , allow a human being to come to harm ; secondly , that a robot must obey the orders of a human being , except when this would conflict with the first law ; and thirdly , that a robot must protect itself , except when this would conflict with the first and second laws .
7 ‘ Paramedics would be used , field hospitals set up at the scene if necessary , helicopters from Whitechapel would fly out casualties , ’ added Mr Whitehead who said a triangle of hospitals would deal with the injured and all the plans were agreed by the airport 's consultative committee .
8 In this article I will deal with the first and the last — ‘ professional clearance ’ and confidentiality .
9 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
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