Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] that this [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In case the reader should think that this small book is about to offer the solution to this problem , let it be stated immediately that a complete integration of all these different disciplinary approaches to the investment decision will probably take a considerable time and much research effort by a range of researchers .
2 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
3 We might suppose that this universal process played some part in the attraction of the Free Presbyterian Church .
4 If we wanted to be self-consciously intellectual about it we could say that this little argument uses the logical principle of the distributive law .
5 One could argue that this inverted logic is acceptable because art ca n't be divorced from its conditions of production and consumption .
6 It would appear that this vicious circle of anxiety , or anxiety about anxiety , spiralled upwards .
7 It would appear that this parental love exists throughout the animal kingdom , including homo sapiens , in degrees of intensity varying from near nothing to the immeasurably great .
8 Roughly translated , it would appear that this single mother is not fit to guide the spiritual education of Catholic children , while the priest still enjoys its blessings .
9 I would hope that this tacit agreement will be rescinded for the future , and if the judges then take the view that they will disclose their recommendations ( with reasons ) in open court , in mandatory as well as discretionary cases , so be it .
10 Furthermore , Kemp 's absence that afternoon would mean that this other person — yes , Downes — would be all the more committed to staying with the tourists for the scheduled ‘ informal get-together ’ .
11 To crown it all , we shall realise that this strong link between the Spirit and Jesus leads us to think of him in personal terms , as the one who makes Jesus real to us and works out in the common clay of our lives the priceless treasure of Christ 's character .
12 Moreover , few would dispute that this apparent decline is a reality : the first words of the Prime Minister herself , after the result of the 1987 election was known , were an acknowledgement of the challenge posed to Government by the ‘ inner cities ’ .
13 I shall argue that this reasonable conclusion is actually a big mistake , and that loss of vision makes things even worse .
14 But a generative phonologist would say that this phonemic representation is irrelevant ; the representation in the brain of the speaker or hearer is much more complex and is often quite different from the ‘ real ’ sounds recognisable in the sound wave .
15 And yet she was aware of something lovely somewhere , something that was gone , or hidden , or yet to be attained : she supposed her therapist would say that this unrealistic shard of broken vision dated back to her infancy , when the human animal believes itself to be omnipotent , immortal and an integral part of all that is .
16 Many consumers would deny that this third phase could ever attract them .
17 I would argue that this careful planning of activities is already the current practice of many teachers .
18 Examination of the ways in which candidates are selected in Ireland and votes for them solicited will show that this putative liberty is in practice still more narrowly restricted .
19 A moment 's thought will show that this ideal state can not possibly exist , since a gyro can not react to something until after that something has already happened .
20 Once again , if we look more closely we will see that this particular role , whatever its disadvantages , has considerable utility in maintaining men 's power .
21 It was not , admittedly , the most subtle of strategies , but you will appreciate that this particular task , though no doubt important in its way , hardly took the highest priority at that moment .
22 Of course , as time passes and the dreadful memories fade , I 'm sure she will accept that this other baby is her own .
23 No , the way to interpret the inside is by assembling the exterior with all the means you have : you will find that this aesthetic process yields the moral .
24 Furthermore , we can assume that this mechanical effect is similar for all preparations tested and does not greatly influence the results of the mucosal concentrations .
25 Looking across the denominational spectrum we can see that this central act , which is shared by all the major denominations , is celebrated in dozens of different ways and according to dozens of different theological principles .
26 However , if we look more deeply , we can see that this massive refinancing would be very inequitable .
27 the sound of Gothic Voices is altogether more familiar than that of the Taverner Consort , so much so that at times the listener can forget that this extraordinary music originated in 14th-century France , worlds away from the Oxbridge tradition .
28 The reader can verify that this optimal solution is .
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