Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] that [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Article 1 of the Framework Regulation ( 2052/88 ) should stipulate that all Structural Fund operations must be consistent with the principles of sustainable development .
2 In case the reader should think that this small book is about to offer the solution to this problem , let it be stated immediately that a complete integration of all these different disciplinary approaches to the investment decision will probably take a considerable time and much research effort by a range of researchers .
3 Dillon LJ said that " if one condition in a set of printed conditions is particularly onerous or unusual , the party seeking to enforce it must show that that particular condition was fairly brought to the attention of the other party " .
4 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
5 An organism able to check the growth of a competing species is fortunate and better equipped to survive , so we should expect that many living organisms are successful exponents of chemical warfare .
6 A central conclusion of the report was that colleges should assume that all academic staff teaching for the Council 's degrees would ‘ undertake some definite activity falling within the various categories of research ’ that it had outlined .
7 The GMC should ensure that all final year medical students understand what they can reasonably expect .
8 In its report , Control of Nursing Manpower , published in February 1986 , the Committee of Public Accounts acknowledged that progress had been made by nurse managers but went on to recommend that the " DHSS should ensure that all general managers are made aware of all the possibilities for economies identified in the C & AG 's report " ( 2 ) .
9 In such circumstances the draftsman should ensure that any new tenancy is also " contracted out " .
10 ‘ Some products have too wide a variation to be explained by these factors and one must assume that many multi-national companies are charging what they believe the market will bear . ’
11 ( b ) The interests of justice which must ensure that all relevant evidence is available to the court .
12 We must ensure that that terrible mistake is not repeated .
13 We must ensure that any new action does not jeopardise what we have done or make us lose more than we have gained . ’
14 There are no state controls forbidding such developments , although we should acknowledge that some professional bodies do act in just this constraining manner .
15 We must recognize that many unexpected things can happen in our lives and accept that we can not live without taking risks .
16 This should mean that many small firms of electricians , bricklayers , plumbers , etc , will be able to de-register , making their services 15 per cent cheaper .
17 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
18 In practice , we should find that any conversational fragment will exhibit patterns of talk in which both ‘ speaking topically ’ and ‘ speaking on a topic ’ are present .
19 To the extent that these close-knit social relations are weakened , we may expect that these linguistic complexities will be reduced .
20 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
21 Lest one might think that such patriotic sentiments came from a court milieu , for the anonymous author was probably a royal chaplain , one should remember that similar sentiments and the attribution of victory to God also occur in the London City Chronicles .
22 When you find one of these giants embedded in the honey-coloured limestones of central England or the hard blue rocks of Dorset , you might think that such immense creatures could do little but lumber massively along the sea bed .
23 However , if divergers are more unconventional , we might expect that some divergent girls would choose science , but this is apparently not the case .
24 Whoever looked out northward from the massive protective shell of Trazior might suspect that some giant world-spider , nourished on venom , had swung from hive to hive spinning ropes , and depositing multi-millions of hatchlings in each domain .
25 During flight training you 'll discover that such high-speed dives generate a rate of descent of around 10,000 fpm .
26 Finally one might hope that some useful distinctions could be drawn between ‘ having a mental experience ’ and ‘ being aware of having such an experience ’ which seems much closer to our usual view of consciousness and must certainly be an emergent property in evolution .
27 Indeed , if we go so far as to see externalization as inevitably bringing the ego into conflict with reality , then we might conclude that many modern neuroses — perhaps the most severe ones — are likely to become para-psychoses : that is , neurotic conflicts expressing themselves in the language of psychosis .
28 We might suppose that this universal process played some part in the attraction of the Free Presbyterian Church .
29 One might protest that such primitive devices would not be relevant to the civilized conduct of staffroom and classroom , but it is surprising how thin the veneer of civilization turns out to be .
30 The data might reflect that many different antigens affect the mucosal immune response pattern in both affected and non-affected Crohn 's disease twins .
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