Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] that [det] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Article 1 of the Framework Regulation ( 2052/88 ) should stipulate that all Structural Fund operations must be consistent with the principles of sustainable development .
2 In case the reader should think that this small book is about to offer the solution to this problem , let it be stated immediately that a complete integration of all these different disciplinary approaches to the investment decision will probably take a considerable time and much research effort by a range of researchers .
3 Dillon LJ said that " if one condition in a set of printed conditions is particularly onerous or unusual , the party seeking to enforce it must show that that particular condition was fairly brought to the attention of the other party " .
4 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
5 The GMC should ensure that all final year medical students understand what they can reasonably expect .
6 In such circumstances the draftsman should ensure that any new tenancy is also " contracted out " .
7 ( b ) The interests of justice which must ensure that all relevant evidence is available to the court .
8 We must ensure that that terrible mistake is not repeated .
9 We must ensure that any new action does not jeopardise what we have done or make us lose more than we have gained . ’
10 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
11 In practice , we should find that any conversational fragment will exhibit patterns of talk in which both ‘ speaking topically ’ and ‘ speaking on a topic ’ are present .
12 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
13 Whoever looked out northward from the massive protective shell of Trazior might suspect that some giant world-spider , nourished on venom , had swung from hive to hive spinning ropes , and depositing multi-millions of hatchlings in each domain .
14 We might suppose that this universal process played some part in the attraction of the Free Presbyterian Church .
15 Since boundaries do not form neat bilateral patterns , adjacent or opposite States may fear that any bilateral demarcation will trespass upon an area claimed by them .
16 It was the first time as far as she could remember that any male person had done so since she left the convent school , where the visiting priest would call all the girls by their first names .
17 If we wanted to be self-consciously intellectual about it we could say that this little argument uses the logical principle of the distributive law .
18 One could argue that this inverted logic is acceptable because art ca n't be divorced from its conditions of production and consumption .
19 First of all , we must delimit the form of a lexical item syntagmatically ; that is to say , we must be able to state in any sentence where the boundaries between lexical items are ( we shall assume that any well-formed sentence consists of a whole number of such units ) .
20 The fast process would ensure that each cortical neuron tended to respond to an input feature that was different from the features of other cortical neurons .
21 It would appear that this vicious circle of anxiety , or anxiety about anxiety , spiralled upwards .
22 It would appear that this parental love exists throughout the animal kingdom , including homo sapiens , in degrees of intensity varying from near nothing to the immeasurably great .
23 Roughly translated , it would appear that this single mother is not fit to guide the spiritual education of Catholic children , while the priest still enjoys its blessings .
24 Even so , we would expect that any systematic difference between the two insulins which was causally associated with loss of awareness of hypoglycaemia would have been detected in our study design .
25 Of course , not even structuralists would suggest that such political power would allow the working class to overthrow capitalism .
26 This would be a system of ad hoc law which would suggest that each novel situation warrants the creation of a new rule .
27 I would hope that this tacit agreement will be rescinded for the future , and if the judges then take the view that they will disclose their recommendations ( with reasons ) in open court , in mandatory as well as discretionary cases , so be it .
28 Indeed , ‘ opponents ’ of food intolerance would maintain that most supposed food intolerance is psychosomatic illness .
29 The Claim Form should be carefully checked for information that would indicate that any commercial use is taking place .
30 This would mean that each successive cohort entering old age would be less healthy than its predecessors .
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