Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] his [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Chelsea managing director Colin Hutchinson confirmed : ‘ We have received his international clearance and he should make his debut for the reserves . ’
2 He knows that he must improve his footwork for the grass courts , and he is also concerned that the head of his racket , which is smaller than most manufactured nowadays , may put his volleying at a disadvantage .
3 Despite the unpopularity of politicians , John Major is considered one of the best of the political bunch , with 67% agreeing that he is doing a good job as Prime Minister , housewives , particularly , approve of his performance ( 74% ) , which should raise his confidence for the election .
4 At St Cuthbert 's this belt tightening means the vicar must ask his parish for an extra £5,000 and the church steering committee is co-ordinating the appeal for funds , beginning with a planned giving campaign in Lent .
5 Any Charioteer may swap his bow for a long bow at a cost of +1 point .
6 Kevin Thomas , a 17-year-old striker who has scored eight goals during the reserve team 's 14-match unbeaten run , could make his debut for the Tynecastle club .
7 I know but he , we 've got it here early March and we said that we 'd do his paperwork for the the afternoon
8 He 'd give his ears for a bike of his own .
9 If Alger Hiss could betray his country for the sake of Communism — and he is still trying to establish his innocence — where else among the highest in the land might treason be found ?
10 That 's it , if Derek said I could use his name for a reference
11 But Terry could take his wife for a three-night self-catering break for as little as £20 each .
12 With Jamie Pollock suspended for one match , Proctor could press his claims for a recall to the squad .
13 He had been running , running as hard as he could to break his record for the five miles .
14 Lawrence could strengthen his squad for a final promotion push .
15 If boss Lennie Lawrence decides Pears is unfit to play against Brighton tomorrow , Ironside , 28 , would make his debut for the club .
16 If boss Lennie Lawrence decides Pears is unfit to play against Brighton tomorrow , Ironside , 28 , would make his debut for the club .
17 Mr Ricks said Koresh had now told negotiators that astrological events were taking place that would meet his need for a sign from God .
18 She sat dully in the cab while the driver talked non-stop about foreign tourists who would dominate his trade for a few more months to come .
19 Earlier , a Soviet official accompanying Mr Gorbachev said the Kremlin leader would express his support for an all-European conference next year to examine the burning issue of German reunification .
20 But it may be observed that the general movement of culture offers little support to anyone who would pin his hopes for the future of man as a spiritual being on this kind of natural religion .
21 He takes charge for the match against Leigh on Saturday when Tony Rampling , an Australian forward , will make his debut for the club , who have lost all five matches so far .
22 The Lancashire lad has managed to live with the pressures of early success and on Tuesday will make his bid for the game 's top prize against it 's greatest ever player .
23 NEWCASTLE 'S Paul Charters is hoping victory against lightweight world challenger Racheed Lawal in Denmark tonight will boost his bid for a European title challenge .
24 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
25 Hirst , with four goals already this season , will press his claims for an England call in Spain next month , against Coppell 's Palace side tonight .
26 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
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