Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] in [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The frequent charge that pornography encourages experiments in deviant activity is barely justifiable : deviant tendency must exist in order for the individual to find such depiction attractive .
2 Let rb be the coupon and also the yield that a bond must have in order for the bond that has an issue price P ( the same as the discount security ) to have a value M at maturity ( again the same as the discount security ) .
3 Be quite clear in your mind how your child must change in order for the situation to improve .
4 As a matter of practice most claims come to light within the first two audits of the business by the purchaser ; ( c ) to set a minimum value which the purchaser 's claim must exceed in order for the claim to be brought ( see clause 14.2 of the standard sale agreement ) — Appendix III .
5 We 'll live in luxury for the rest of our lives . ’
6 He genuinely believed that this was the least the belligerents could do in return for the " sacrifices " made by Spain during the Civil War .
7 He said the country is on the brink of a tourism explosion which could end in disaster for the local community if it is n't managed properly .
8 Although Premier Robert Bourassa was returned with a reduced majority , the separatist Parti Quebecois ( PQ ) increased the number of its seats and secured 41 per cent of the vote , a development interpreted by most commentators as limiting the scale of concessions which Bourassa could offer in return for the ratification of Meech Lake .
9 It may order that the decision shall not have effect pending appeal or that the care or supervision order shall remain in force for the appeal period but subject to the court 's directions ( s40(3) ) .
10 The pupils , Andrew Pickett , Zammo Collins , Helen Pawsey and Spencer Windebank , had promised their friends that they would arrive in style for the end-of-term prom and decided on a cream Rolls-Royce .
11 Because they did wrong together , God said they would live in sorrow for the rest of their lives .
12 Then the Brownies realised what terrible danger would lie in wait for the pilot of the plane if he should try to make an emergency landing on the wide , green , treeless tract of the swamp , which looked like solid ground but was n't .
13 What is not and can not yet be clear , is whether this forecasted process will actually occur for the vast majority of Wirral users or whether a large endemic user population will remain in place for the foreseeable future .
14 THE LMS locomotive will arrive in time for the West Somerset 's Spring Gala on May 1 and will stay until the Autumn Gala on September 19 .
15 Worse than that from the Government 's point of view , I do not think that he will arrive in time for the general election .
16 Not wishing to jeopardise businesses , the Committee suggests that directors must satisfy themselves on the basis that they have a reasonable expectation that it will continue in operation for the period specified in the guide-lines .
17 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
18 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
19 … The defence can call in court for the statement but , if it does , it may make the statement evidence , possibly to the detriment of the accused .
20 However , coach Cees Koppelaar is anxious that games are found so that his young squad can mature in time for the 1995 European championships being staged in Dublin .
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