Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] in [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The process of modelling the organisation should result in a better understanding of the business .
2 The first should result in a lower incidence of infections , possibly in combination with decreased severity due to a lower average ‘ dose ’ of pathogens crossing the mucosal barrier , whereas the second will tend towards a decreased severity , but not incidence of infection .
3 That is not to say that it is enough to do deliberate actions which , in fact , obstruct ; there must be an intention that those actions should result in the further state of affairs to which I have been referring . ’
4 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
5 Thus , although SS continues to show the labour supply curve in terms of the after-tax wage , we must draw in the higher schedule SS ' ; to show the supply of labour in terms of the gross or pre-tax wage .
6 He devoted his life to politics for a twofold purpose : to ensure that the useless slaughter of the First World War was not repeated , and that the survivors of that horrific experience should live in a better world .
7 It would appear that the explanation for the strong link between sex and crime must lie in the wider stratification system in society .
8 If what I said above is true , since any observationally adequate linguistics describes the superficial form of the text the unique source of linguistic insight must reside in the deeper explanations offered by the linguistic theory .
9 The fact that acts of violence , aggression , or even boastfulness ( buagun ) are consistently condemned , and the lack of any positive evaluation of acts of ‘ bravery ’ or ‘ courage ’ , may result in a lower rate of deliberate maiming and homicide among the Buid than among populations which attach positive evaluations to such acts ( everything else being equal ) .
10 Even where the data is collected by trained interviewers , non-response probably remains a greater problem than with small samples , since the requirement of having a team of interviewers ( rather than one or two ) may result in a lower commitment to the goal of obtaining a high response rate .
11 It is usually closed after a limited period , whereas the underwriting of a rights issue , especially where the rights issue is conditional on the success of the offer ( because the outcome of the offer is not guaranteed ) , may result in a longer underwriting commitment period and consequently higher underwriting costs .
12 On this basis , over 600 jobs might disappear in the longer term . ’
13 Anyone who considers what has happened with regard to the sugar and milk quotas or to anything else about which we felt that we should have had a different package but could not achieve it will be aware of how dangerous it is to allow the negotiations to proceed quickly when a longer discussion might result in a better solution .
14 However , there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services .
15 In fact , pilot studies using the non-standardised format are a useful guide to the coding categories a researcher might use in a larger survey .
16 A study of books published in America about public relations will prove very useful to you as you consider the direction your career in public relations might take in the longer term .
17 They may emerge in a richer mythology — in jokes and stories about past successes , heroic failures or breakthroughs , legends about the ‘ early days ’ , or about ‘ the time the boss …
18 But I I think it would be I do n't think that could happen in the newer kirkyards .
19 There was one girl called Clara whom she used to meet in the lower corridor an hour before classes began : they had long discussions about Tolstoy , Maeterlinck and Ibsen , and were suspected of immorality .
20 I 'm speaking here of the period of conventional warfare by the way , this is not the case with nuclear war as I shall show in a later lecture .
21 As we shall show in the later sections , a great deal of the activities of the fans can be understood as symbolic activities in the mode of metonymy .
22 A large enzyme pool turning over at the same rate as a small one would produce more new enzyme , which would result in a greater amount of enzyme being available for secretion .
23 ‘ This financial posture is necessary due to IBM 's weak performance in recent years , ’ it said , adding that IBM 's favourable operations and restructuring efforts should return it to profitability in 1994 , although it warns that a ‘ failure to move toward a reasonable level of profitability in 1994 ’ would result in a further downgrading .
24 This would result in a shorter report and give useful encouragement to companies that develop innovative forms of reporting .
25 And Sir Christopher forecast that the Company would emerge in a stronger position from the 1994 review of the nuclear industry .
26 As we shall see in a later section a woman aged 65 can expect to live for almost another 20 years .
27 As we shall see in a later section , these views are consistent with the current thinking of several British theorists on soccer spectator violence .
28 As we shall see in a later chapter , the issues raised by Papez have yet to be resolved .
29 As we shall see in a later chapter , much of the same reasoning was to recur towards the end of the 1980s in the search for ways of implementing punishment in the community .
30 In order to do so we must go back to the very beginning of society , explain the original trauma and then consider what consequences it has had for modern times ; for , as we shall see in a later chapter , an inability to accept the truth about ourselves and our societies is probably the most dangerous threat to the successful solution of our present cultural crisis and is certainly the chief obstacle to progress in the sciences of man .
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