Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] as [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having had the pleasure of interviewing Ralph Gibson on the occasion of the publication of his major work ‘ Syntax ’ , for the now defunct ‘ Camera ’ magazine in 1984 , perhaps this review should begin as per the forward of L'Histoire de France : ‘ Dear Ralph Gibson ’ .
2 She thought long and hard about what character she should go as in the fancy-dress parade .
3 Dispute may rage as to the effectiveness of this or that particular reform , but US policy 1945–52 has been a major arbiter of two fundamental axes of postwar development — the integration of Japan , economically and politically , into the Western capitalist camp and the extraordinary growth of the Japanese economy .
4 Human groups may vary as to the extent they are able to gain satisfaction of either type :
5 That sort of thinking was now increasingly confined to quite non-literate countries which even central European peasants would regard as behind the times , such as Russia , where indeed the populist revolutionaries at this very time attempted — unsuccessfully — to organise a peasant revolution by means of a ‘ people 's pretender ’ to the tsar 's throne .
6 If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under these sections ( liability being otherwise admitted ) , such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with statutory provisions .
7 If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this Policy ( liability being otherwise admitted ) such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with the Statutory provisions in that behalf for the time being in force .
8 If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this Policy ( liability being otherwise admitted ) such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with the Statutory provisions in that behalf for the time being in force .
9 He has heard his counsel , under the procedure now generally adopted , making submissions to the judge after his conviction about the recommendation the judge will make as to the tariff period .
10 My hope and at this stage it can only be a hope , is that if consultations are held with presbyteries , a consensus will emerge as to the nature of the changes to Act seventeen that are required and that that consensus will enable the Act to be successfully amended .
11 • is made before you start work under the new contract ; • is in writing ; • specifies the date at the end of the trial period ; and • specifies the terms of employment which will apply as at the end of that period .
12 The Agreement will operate as between the Insurers of all vehicles involved in multi-vehicle accidents .
13 Opinions may differ as to the extent of the media 's influence in the field of politics and their role in the formation of public opinion , but it would be difficult to argue against what Mr Kawawa said on the subject of politicians and the media :
14 There 's no other register they can search as in the case , for example , of local land charges .
15 Operational er commanders of incidents erm have a , what is called a firearms tactical advisor , er a highly trained officer who is made available to people in the position that I then found myself , er in order that they can advise as to the tactics to follow and my tactical advisor on this occasion was er Sergeant .
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