Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] made at the " in BNC.

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1 1.73 In a medical negligence case , where a summons for directions is necessary an application for a direction in relation to expert evidence should ordinarily be made at the hearing of the summons for directions ( see 1993 White Book , para 38/36/1 ) .
2 Unfortunately some measurements could not be made at the time of the growth room trials , owing to maintenance work .
3 Adjustments could also be made at the wrapping stage .
4 Or in anyway , ca n't be made at the meeting .
5 In either case , decisions about spending priorities — e.g. on staffing as against computers , or educational visits as against redecoration — and about the hiring and firing of teachers , will now be made at the level of the school itself , not by the LEA .
6 Personal bookings can also be made at the Coleraine Tourist Information Centre , Railway Road , during the following hours : It is not possible for the Tourist Information Centre to accept postal , telephone or credit card bookings .
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