Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under this modern view , contractual obligations may only be justified in order to deter or compensate some harm to the interests of another person .
2 In the last resort , the key to these interpretations of liberalism lies in the requirement of harm to the interests of others , for individual autonomy may only be curtailed in order to preserve the liberty of others .
3 ( 5 ) Evidence may only be led in respect of a decision based on an incorrect fact ( subs .
4 Children may only be placed in care or under the supervision of a local authority in civil proceedings if an order is made under Part IV of the Children Act 1989 .
5 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
6 … ( 8 ) A statement by a person in response to a requirement imposed by virtue of this section may only be used in evidence against him — ( a ) on a prosecution for an offence under subsection ( 14 ) below ; or ( b ) on a prosecution for some other offence where in giving evidence he makes a statement inconsistent with it .
7 By section 2(8) a statement by a person in response to a requirement imposed under the section may only be used in evidence against him in proceedings for making a false or misleading statement or in proceedings for some other offence where in giving evidence he makes an inconsistent statement .
8 But it should constantly be borne in mind that law and institutions only provide a framework for human activity and , in particular , for political activity .
9 Some of the items are fine as they are but are not given unconditional approval because they should only be eaten in moderation .
10 Modern scientific knowledge can be used by such societies and Rolt gives two guiding principles for the use of technology : ‘ That mechanical methods should only be employed in work provided the qualitative result achieved is better in the eyes of both maker and user ’ ; and ‘ That no man ( sic ) should make any use of a machine or a scientific process unless he possess a comprehensive knowledge of its principle , function and purpose , and is already skilled in the use to which it is to be applied ’ .
11 Another view was that six-monthly reports should only be required in relation to those firms ( regardless of size ) that had already been late in delivering their annual reports .
12 They have believed that the whole purpose of the EEC is to build protective barriers which should only be reduced in return for a high price to be paid by ‘ the other side ’ .
13 These guides should only be used in conjunction with the relevant OS map .
14 They are very easily obscured , and should only be used in conjunction with the pp of other instruments , and even then should be marked mf at least , if they are to ‘ tell ’ .
15 The technique should only be used in conjunction with other standard petrographic approaches .
16 Petrol should only be carried in metal or specially-made plastic containers , and the vapour given off under normal temperatures is very flammable .
17 Such matters must only be conducted in accordance with the statutory rules and regulations and in accordance with the provisions of the 1991 guide and Practice Direction ( Crime : Costs ) [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 498 , all of which require careful study before such hearings are conducted or orders are made .
18 He has submitted that the money in court should not be paid out unless the court is satisfied that the interim government are indeed the Government of Somalia and that , as the court should not be satisfied that this is the case , the money should meanwhile be left in court .
19 Because they contain water , they must be stored in conditions where the temperature will not drop below 5°C , and must not be applied in cold , damp conditions , or when there is high humidity .
20 The objective of controlling projects costs must not be viewed in isolation from the other objectives of controlling time and quality .
21 Of course , if the words of the Act clearly achieve a different result from that which seemed to be intended by the committee , it is the words which must prevail and strained constructions must not be adopted in order to give effect to the report .
22 They provide breathing gas to the helmet , communications wires , the hot water hose ( this must not be used in air diving ) , a phunumofathometer ( used to obtain the divers ' depth ) , closed circuit television and light cables , and for mixed gas bell diving — a gas reclaim hose .
23 Council spokesman Doug Allan said labels on any household chemical warned they must not be used in association with other products .
24 The necessity of obtaining consents to transfers subject to a mortgage from occupiers of the matrimonial home aged 18 years and over must not be overlooked in view of the effect of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 .
25 Developments and changes in education must not be considered in isolation , unrelated to the political , economic and social climate of the times in which they emerge .
26 It must not be construed in isolation , but in context , including replies to enquiries before contract and the surrounding circumstances .
27 We shall shortly see that pragmatism is less radical than this description makes it seem , for it recognizes reasons of strategy why statutes should generally be enforced in accordance with their plain and intended meaning and why past judicial decisions should normally be respected in present cases .
28 For example , s. 59 FSA 1986 permits the SIB , if it believes any individual is not a fit and proper person , to direct that he should not be employed in connection with investment business by any authorised or exempted person .
29 Prohibitions of such appeals in the thirteenth century had often cited for their authority a papal indult of 1231 in which Gregory IX had conceded that the magnates and barons of England should not be summoned in litigation beyond the sea , a privilege subsequently generalized to all the king 's English subjects and soon known as the privilege of England .
30 While the LFA Directive is certainly the most significant in terms of direct support for farmers in less-favoured areas , it should not be viewed in isolation .
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