Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] it with [art] " in BNC.

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1 You must always mix it with an oil .
2 I must now replace it with a more complex , but I hope still arresting , account designed to bring out the main difference between pragmatism and law as integrity .
3 Having cleaned the mirror surface as well as you can , you must then cover it with a sheet of clear glass cut to the same size , that has also been well cleaned .
4 This too is research , even though we may not honour it with the name .
5 Q I 'd really love some oomph in my hair and my hairdresser says I 'll only get it with a perm .
6 look at it , I will wash your hand in two seconds , when you 're ready , here , I 'll just wipe it with a bit of loo roll for now and we 'll wash it when your ready
7 I 'm mentioning this simply to er highlight the fact that if there is a bit of an upward movement in er the employment allocation , it 'll simply re-synchronize it with the housing allocation .
8 If I 'm going to snuff it , I 'd rather snuff it with a pint in my fist than one of their bloody mugs of Ovaltine .
9 Rubberneck could only compare it with a wedding , the crush , as a fight , when the cars drove off and they always threw out coins .
10 I made it a condition that I 'd only do it with an American choreographer , and my assistant is American , too . ’
11 The next logical step was to present the bream with a small hook and bait which would be more likely to be right inside their lips when they began to carry it off , but to still retain the heaviness so that they could not manage it with a mere suck .
12 He could not reconcile it with the images he had preserved .
13 And while nobody wanted precisely to abandon the Fidchell which everybody enjoyed so much , there was really no reason why they could not play it with the Gnomes tonight and save Fenella for tomorrow , or even the day after .
14 council to , if you could like lump it with the next year 's .
15 Could n't do it with a black one .
16 left and I cut it up this morning before you got up and I could n't cut it with the scissors !
17 five or six other people on campus who could potentially do it with a just one night 's look an and a diagram .
18 If we were to refer to the light , we would not associate it with an individual object .
19 One way and another , it appears that the search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp is not going too well as one after another , the most fancied candidates declare that they are non-runners — so long after their names were first widely canvassed in the press that they leave the strong impression that they have considered or been considered for the job , but after having looked into it , decided that they would n't touch it with a bargepole : latest to declare his belated non-candidacy is former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive John Young , who says he is ‘ definitely not a candidate ’ — ‘ He 's enjoying retirement , ’ said a Hewlett spokeswoman ; all attention is now focussed on the thought-to-be front runners that have n't ruled themselves out — Paul Stern , recently retired chairman and tough manager of Northern Telecom Ltd , who could be planning to repeat his double act at that company with another former IBMer , Edward Lucente , who has also just resigned from Northern Telecom ; the other two whose odds have shortened are George Fisher , chairman and chief executive of Motorola Inc , Morton Myerson , chairman of Perot Systems Corp , and Louis Gerstner , head of RJR Nabisco Co ; industry sources told Reuter that the name of Michael Armstrong keeps coming up within IBM — but he quit only a year ago , and has just taken the top job at Hughes Aircraft Co .
20 Those who have been before would n't touch it with a bargepole and those of more tender years are almost certain to have been warned off anyway .
21 to think I wish he 'd come back I get back to how life was cos I would n't touch it with a barge pole .
22 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
23 But it 's that side away from the river , you know , I I ca n't link it with the river .
24 You ca n't explain it with the funny little rules that we have for how your potential and different things vary in your circuit .
25 I 'm not like some men who ca n't do it with a woman unless they feel emotionally involved with her .
26 Because algebra is letters , and if you have got er something which is you need a root of it or , you can do it with a number , you ca n't do it with a letter .
27 He ca n't stand it with the weather being bad .
28 Taking a bottle , he would then open it with the bottom edge of the Bic lighters that most people carried , prising the top off in one movement .
29 Whilst a CICS/Open strategy would likely furnish it with a lead position in the Unix OLTP market by dint of the number of CICS applications available for it , CICS/Open could also open the way for traditional CICS users to move not only to Unix , but away from IBM hardware platforms altogether .
30 Donald would never do it with a patient .
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