Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over evolutionary time it will cease to be a parasite , will cooperate with the host , and may eventually merge into the host 's tissues and become unrecognizable as a parasite at all .
2 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
3 There is no point in denying them , even though we may justifiably quibble about the subjectivity of palaeontologists , the imprecision of the boundaries and the importance of the hidden gaps .
4 Let's all sing like the birds can sing
5 We may only conjecture about the degree to which these subjective assessments were influenced by prior experience of the school in other contexts , the existence of good or bad relations between the reporter and the staff of the school , and the personal prejudices and preferences of the individual concerned .
6 Section 16(8) of the Act says the search may only extend to the purpose for which the warrant is issued .
7 In these few words we may only point to the kaleidoscope of enthusiasm and activity by secondees that has been generated across the country in such a short space of time .
8 ‘ The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted , according to the generally recognised rules of international law . ’
9 In the end it may all depend on the depth of Richard Branson 's pocket , in moments of nostalgia even he may wonder if he sold the wrong business .
10 As a further disincentive footpaths may suddenly disappear under the plough or new fences are erected across them , signposts mysteriously vanish and perhaps an unsociable bull is ( illegally ) posted in a field transversed by a path .
11 A problem may obviously arise for the builder where the nominated supplier makes deliveries late in the month and the relevant invoices are not available at the date of the valuation .
12 I want to pay particular attention to present practice and to what may perhaps happen in the years ahead .
13 A similar mechanism may perhaps account for the fact that some group-living animals drive sick or injured individuals out of the group .
14 This interpretation of the doctrine is silent on whether individual political action ( voting in elections etc. ) may rightly aim at the promotion of some conception of the good .
15 You know the form : lots of booze on arrival , a tour of the factory and then a buffet lunch with lots more booze , and plugs for Supersight products should duly appear in the trade magazines and maybe some of the newspapers .
16 More precise knowledge of control of colonic motor function , coupled with basic research into the pathways that control colonic muscle , should eventually result in the development of drugs for modifying colonic motor function .
17 The weather , dry weather should slowly spread from the west this afternoon , maximum temperatures up to nine Celsius , forty eight Fahrenheit .
18 We have come here to see the king and we must all go into the temple .
19 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
20 I should perhaps explain in the context of your various questions when I say that erm we do want to become involved in these things , that , at this stage , and we 've only held two meetings , we have just identified themes and general areas in which we want to work , and not precise projects or activities .
21 Equally , one should perhaps guard against the maxim that a conductor who is not also a creative writer is somehow debarred from access to the grail of ultimate musical understanding .
22 We work on the principle that you should only pay for the services you need .
23 I 'd always understood that land should only go into the greenbelt if it was necessary to be kept permanently open , by reason of it performing one of the five purposes .
24 The vendor should only account to the purchaser for post-taxation income earned during the interim stage .
25 The top two semitones , B ♯ and C are , however , rather difficult to produce and should only used at the end of an upward-rushing ff scale .
26 There was no year on the letters , but they must necessarily come after the publication of Ash 's dramatic poems , Gods , Men and Heroes , which had appeared in 1856 and had not , contrary to Ash 's hopes and perhaps expectations , found favour with the reviewers , who had declared his verses obscure , his tastes perverse and his people extravagant and improbable .
27 Whereas Aristotle did not enquire into the mental process by which we perceive time , because he believed that our minds must necessarily conform to the time of the physical universe , St Augustine took the mind 's activity as the basis of temporal measurement .
28 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
29 Also new is the requirement that a private company which has elected under the substituted section 252 to dispense with the laying of accounts before a general meeting or , under section 366A , to dispense with the holding of annual general meetings , must so state in the return .
30 To those who did not respond to his sad soliloquies on the terrible social stigma which must naturally fall upon the parents who forbade their own child the opportunity of gainful employment and condemned him instead to a living purgatory of dole-queue misery , there was always the wall of shame , upon which their names must be forever writ in letters big , for destroying the glorious reputation of the school .
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