Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] you for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no but I got a wonderful hand look wha I 'll just show you for a start , cos I 'm putting that in the box .
2 But he said we wo n't charge you the daily rate , we 'll just charge you for the job .
3 For example , although we do not have in English the grammaticalization of the levels of respect that exist in Javanese , we do have means of expressing degrees of respect , largely by choices in the use of expressions : thus ( 31 ) would generally be a more polite request than ( 30 ) : ( 30 ) I want to see you for a moment ( 31 ) I wondered if I could possibly see you for a moment So by taking at first just the grammaticalized or encoded features of context in the world 's languages , we would have both something like a " discovery procedure " for relevant functions of language , and a constraint on the relatively vacuous theorizing that often attends speculation about the " functions of speech " .
4 ‘ One is that , like I said , I could probably frame you for the kiosk and the burglary .
5 They 'd never take you for a terrorist .
6 I would n't want you for an enemy , Harry .
7 He closed his eyes tightly ; then in a much quieter voice , he said , ‘ Pet , you know I would n't hurt you for the world , but you 're hurting me .
8 I would n't press you for a decision , I promise you .
9 I Would n't Thank You for a Valentine
10 I would n't thank you for a Valentine .
11 I would n't thank you for a Valentine .
12 I would n't thank you for a Valentine .
13 I would n't thank you for a Valentine .
14 All you have ever read about the delights of fast-jet aerobatics still ca n't prepare you for the utter , mind-blowing super-smooth , almost silent exhilaration of the real thing !
15 ‘ I must admit Kathy could do the job blindfolded and Simpkin would never consider you for the job unless I happened to suggest it .
16 ‘ We thought we were going to die ’ , said Rene' who , with Mario , presented wallets to each crew member on duty that day , embossed in gold with the words ‘ We will always remember you for the action on 15/5/93 . ’
17 What about people who will inevitably criticise you for a large canvas , half of which is black , and half of which is blue , and which is labelled ‘ Blue on Black ’ .
18 Windows will then prompt you for a disk designator where the new drivers are .
19 Once you have rehearsed , you will need to record a demo , especially as many venues wo n't consider you for a gig unless they have heard you on tape .
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