Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] with the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , the viscous stress close to the wall must match up with the Reynolds stress further out .
2 Perhaps you 'd carry on with the Leicester ladies , and Gladys Brown . ’
3 I used to go out with the London detectives , and these Cockney fellers down in London , they 'd take money off anyone .
4 That is not to underplay the contribution of the other members of the quartet : all are heard here in ( mainly ) Jackson compositions and all make solidly individualistic contributions in advance of the more formal direction that Lewis would take up with the MJQ .
5 Er and when the Yorkshire contingent did n't come through here , you 'd get the er er er Notts er contingent , which er would join up with the Derbyshire contingent , er a wee bit a wee bit lower down , wee bit lower down the er er down the country , so er in every er in every er activity against er unemployment , they 'd the locals who were who were obviously involved .
6 It concerned me deeply that the men going back to Burma should have a smattering of the language , especially those who would go in with the Wingate levies into occupied Burma .
7 Britain will also lead a project dealing with the acceptance of new technologies , and will team up with the US on new materials .
8 Robson , who came through Manchester United 's Littlewoods Cup tie with Portsmouth at Old Trafford on Tuesday without problems , will join up with the England party tonight at their team hotel .
9 Thus your machine may start up with the HAL 9000 self-test ( ‘ I am completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly ’ ) from Kubrick 's 2001 , or ‘ Space , the Final Frontier ’ , the striking lead-in to Star Trek , or ‘ We 're not in Kansas anymore , Toto ’ from The Wizard of Oz .
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