Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Twentieth century readers may think of the eighteenth century as a time when dirt was everywhere , and that personal hygiene was abysmal .
2 Ethnicity is not , however , always marked by linguistic distinctiveness , Labov 's work with Italian and Jewish speakers in New York City shows that such distinctiveness may persist for several generations , or conversely may disappear with the first generation of native-born speakers who nevertheless maintain a strong sense of ethnicity ( Labov 1972b : 281 ) .
3 The comfort is that thanks to continental Europe 's recession and the Bundesbank 's slow trimming of interest rates , most European bond yields should fall over the next year , increasing the appeal of gilts .
4 At the same time , scientists are building computer models of ocean circulation but full three-dimensional models must wait for the next generation of powerful computers .
5 Capricorn Note , owned by Stuart Ray and now trained at Wimbledon by Arthur Hitch , races in a five-dog heat on Saturday and should qualify for the second round .
6 And that 's something we must do before the next meeting so that I can answer the questions , cos we do n't really know at this moment .
7 The first substantial remains of sculpture from a Doric building are from a temple of Artemis on Kerkyra ( Corcyra , Corfu ) , which must date from the first decade or two of the sixth century .
8 Initially , a client/server version will allow Progress clients to access HP 3000 servers running Allbase/SQL — that should appear in the second half of this year .
9 Jump onto the lift to your right , then on the second lift , and finally onto a platform ( watch out for the bare wires ) , climb down the site of this second building if you wish to collect a couple of records , but it 's quicker and safer to climb up the purple wall above you and climb the four ladders , grab the crate and jump onto the platform on your left , kill the mugger , climb the ladder and grab another crate , climb another ladder , then another kill the workman in the process , run across to the right , jump before you touch the wire and you should land on the next platform .
10 It is working with IBM and Motorola Inc ( helping IBM with the new PowerPC RISC implementation ) on both hardware and AIX software , so that users of the new version of the Power RISC will all support compatible multi-processing implementations — something should emerge during the first half of next year .
11 From the small number of neonatal stomachs examined it seems that the distribution of parietal cells remains constant after birth , and so it appears reasonable to assume that a definite change in distribution of parietal cells must occur during the third trimester .
12 The first year of secondary schooling , at 12 plus in Scotland , ought not to differentiate pupils , the committee thought , but differentiation should begin in the second year , and be well established by the third .
13 Bigger spending in the shops should begin in the second half of the year , boosted by rocketing disposable income on the back of recent cuts in the mortgage rate .
14 Now we must look to the next stage of development .
15 Britain will probably be in a modest recession in the second half of this year , but should recover by the second half of 1991. — Major , November 11 , 1990 .
16 He told the committee : ‘ The number of trains run in the off-peak must depend in the last instance on the views of the operator . ’
17 Detectives investigating the death of Tanya Probyn must decide in the next hour whether to continue to question her husband , or release him .
18 Following a request from an Age Concern organisation , we will also be producing short guidelines on why older people should vote in the first place .
19 Okay and that sh we should have in the next day or two .
20 Their relationship was n't built on solid foundations , so it was hardly surprising , was it , that it should collapse at the first sign of trouble ?
21 Goldman 's prime input was his suggestion that the film should end with the first part of the book , before Papillon arrives in Venezuela and settles down .
22 The Law Lords should review at the first opportunity the natural injustice of injunctions which can silence all the media at a stroke .
23 The onus of making that interpersonal connection between their differing maps of the mind must rest in the first place with the staff , not with the student .
24 In this brief speech , it is not appropriate for me to attempt that task but I shall give the House three examples of the sort of arrangements for which the Government should press in the second half of 1992 when we have an opportunity to carry them forward .
25 The young officer , he concluded , must escape at the first opportunity or risk being classified as an unambitious ‘ no hoper ’ at an early career stage .
26 ISO should reveal for the first time the fine details of star-birth .
27 Shareholders must have a fortnight to consider an offer , so that the final offer must come before the 46th day .
28 An Observer/Harris poll said yesterday that 58 per cent of its sample thought Mrs Thatcher should retire before the next election , including 15 per cent of Conservative voters .
29 Our lifestyles dictate that a weekly shop at the local supermarket will suffice , and therefore supplies must last until the next excursion .
30 If the video is to end with music though , you should arrange for the last note to come at the end of the last shot .
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