Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Entries should go to her at SAWD Books , ( ) , by 29th January .
2 Anyone who 's interested should write to me at Heston . ’
3 The cards must get to us by Tuesday next week , and the winners will be the first ten correct replies out of the bag .
4 The cards must get to us by Tuesday next week , and the winners will be the first ten correct replies out of the bag .
5 ‘ You should talk to him about Eileen , ’ she insisted .
6 It 's no joke , because they occupy a dingy cell in war torn Beirut in Someone Who 'll Watch Over Me at London 's Vaudeville theatre .
7 And if the King leaves Windsor in the meantime , the justiciar may send me word , and I 'll come to him at Gloucester or wherever he may be . ’
8 ‘ You 'll come with me to Paris , Claudia , ’ he said confidently .
9 I 'll talk to you in London . ’
10 And the signs are growing that many Latino voters might turn against him in November .
11 Skipper Botha said : warned England last night that their hospitality may rebound on them at Twickenham today .
12 The heads of governments asked the commission to come back with precise proposals for how this should be done , so that they could act on them at June 's summit in Copenhagen .
13 How much easier it would be if you could refer to me as Signor Sabatini , yes ? ’
14 The suitcases I would check in at the left-luggage office at Paddington station , the bag could come with me to Rome , and Jane could inherit all my bits and bobs .
15 But it was for the lock from the people , you know and he , he got round like this , and this is the God 's truth as well again , he 'd come to me from America and er they , I had to make locks for certain people they called them statos , status symbols there , in their own houses , you know , where they put this lock on and anybody as he 's got one like that , you know and from America to Dick in Willenhall to make them .
16 If they could get to them before Scott
17 I do n't think Tom probably approved , but she well actually when they used to come to us on Sunday I used to take them to er , to Belver Fall me and David , Thelma 's husband and he 's er , his father was a superintendent so , do you want any tea ?
18 At least , she liked The Pickwick Papers , which her father used to read to her after Sunday School as a treat .
19 The Youngest Son would stay with us in Al Ain , catching up on his studies in order to graduate with his class from secondary school , but it would be a week before the Sheikh and his elder sons drew up in their big Mercedes and brought that filling of the house that always comes when men are at home , the heavy laughter , the smell of pipe smoke , screeches of excitement from the children as they are tossed high in the air .
20 There are a few other gardens in the Trust that would appeal to me after Killerton — places like Sheffield Park , Stourhead and Lanhydrock immediately spring to mind .
21 It had been agreed beforehand that they would refer to him as Shih Scott .
22 Meanwhile , as Ladbrokes shortened Nashwan 's odds for next Sunday 's Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe from 2-1 to 7-4 with a run , French Glory came down a point to 7-1 amid rumours that Pat Eddery would switch to him from Khalid Abdullah 's other probable runner , Assatis .
23 ‘ Then make your fortune , Roger , and if Great-uncle sends for me , I shall come for you in London .
24 She would write to her from London . )
25 Who in God 's name would write to you about Lori ? ’
26 And if Harry dies for it , his death be on my head , and I will answer for it to God and to him when my time comes . ’
27 You will treat with him about Queen Margaret 's return to Scotland .
28 You will vouch for me with Lady Maude ? ’
29 Mr Hurd said the Government 's policy on Europe remains clear , and the party will stick by it under Mrs. Thatcher 's leadership .
30 I assure the hon. Gentleman that the citizens charter and the parents charter which will follow from it in Northern Ireland will not undermine that policy initiative .
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