Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun sg] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They would include : opportunities for students to see or experience equipment or processes which are not on offer within the institution ; the chance for a student to sample a possible future job or career ; the opportunity to learn something ( not much ) of the lives led in employment by their neighbours , their parents or their peer-group , so that they may grow up more understanding and more tolerant ( this rather pious hope may in fact be quite unjustified , they may have confirmed or developed disdain or envy for others ) ; a good student may catch the eye of an employer looking for a later recruit ; absence may lend enchantment to the view of the college and the students may return from work-experience reassured about their choice of education ; students may be motivated to work hard at college by the prospect of either securing a job like the one they have seen or tried , or by the determination to avoid a similar fate ; all these outcomes may be little more predictable than the consequences of going to the zoo for a visit .
2 The 15-member House of Chiefs considers draft legislation relating to alterations to the Constitution or to chieftaincy matters , and may make representation to the President on matters affecting the tribes or tribal organizations .
3 Indeed , such documentation should make reference to the source of these objectives ; for example , enabling legislation or ministerial direction .
4 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
5 Thus the natural meaning of the word ‘ depositor ’ must give way to the extent necessary to enable the underlying purpose of the Act to be achieved .
6 To represent Hertfordshire residents we must give notice to the Government that is surely serious , sli slitshot consultation is no way to supervise the development of these airports .
7 As John Major contemplates on the way to Washington whether he should give support to the US plan , he should bear the following in mind .
8 The official entry to the English capital of a new Swedish ambassador became the occasion for a struggle over which of the two rivals should give way to the other ; in this almost fifty men were killed and wounded .
9 Tertullian ( c. 155–222 ) was the first Church Father to declare that Christians ought to abstain on Sunday from secular duties or occupations , lest these should give pleasure to the Devil .
10 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the object of the substituted section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 had been to simplify the requirements for the execution and witnessing of a will ; that the complementary requirements , of a signature and of an intention that the signature should give effect to the will , demanded a practical approach ; that a written name , not being a normal signature , was capable of being a signature for the purposes of section 9 ; but that where a testamentary document was signed before the dispositive provisions had been written , affirmative evidence was necessary to show that the testator had intended the signature to give effect to the provisions ; that by writing his name and the dispositive provisions in one single operation the deceased had provided such evidence ; and that , accordingly , the will had been duly executed ; but that , on the evidence , the deputy judge had been entitled to conclude that the onus on the defendants of establishing the testamentary capacity of the deceased had not been discharged ( post , pp. 588B–H , 589B–F , 592A–C ) .
11 But where local law is absent or ambiguous , and British courts have the opportunity to shape the law according to their notion of an appropriate public policy , they should give effect to the policy laid down by the Convention .
12 The Manila Declaration states ( paragraph 23 ) : ‘ WACC should give priority to the empowerment of women through communication training and other activities ’ .
13 The going concern ED proposed that auditors should obtain a statement from the directors confirming their considered view that the company is a going concern ; that , in forming an opinion on whether the company is a going concern , the auditors should look ahead one year from the date of the directors ' approval of the accounts ; and that , even if disclosures in the accounts of any matters giving rise to an uncertainty that could affect the company 's ability to continue as a going concern are adequate , the auditors should draw attention to the matters in their report .
14 Teaching should draw attention to the effect on the vowel of the single or double letter combination ; but this error also involves the effect of the e-marker ( see Glossary ) .
15 After an inconclusive discussion , the Cabinet agreed to return at a later meeting to the question ‘ whether the Government , as such , should tender advice to the House of Commons on the abolition of the death penalty ’ .
16 The court should have regard to the gravity of the offences under consideration and the offender 's criminal history .
17 In framing the warranties , the acquirer and its solicitors should have regard to the level of disclosure that they actually want .
18 On the question of reasonableness , an employer should have regard to the Code of Practice on disciplinary rules and procedures published by ACAS .
19 If the hon. Gentleman is concerned about the position of his party in Scotland , he should have regard to the fact that , at the 1987 general election , the city of Glasgow returned 11 Labour Members of Parliament .
20 If , however , it is not clear in what terms the relevant law is to be formulated , and there is no binding authority upon the matter , this court should have regard to the terms of the Convention because it is a safe presumption that the law of contempt of court in this country is in conformity with the requirements of that Convention .
21 If Wilson 's Thirteenth Point was to be observed — that Poland should have access to the sea — then the principle of National Self-Determination , so dear to the President s heart , must inevitably be compromised .
22 I think that we should have access to the schools for everyone who is interested in education , and I think that includes teachers , so that is why I was very grateful to receive your invitation today , and I think the series is good , but I think that why we want an open society within our schools is because everyone has got a tremendous interest in education until people begin to surround it with jargon or to build walls and barriers which create a closed society .
23 Its operation is entirely controlled by a user designated as the ‘ Hard Copy Manager ’ , who should have access to the LIFESPAN process account password .
24 Paragraph 8. 10 ( c ) of the PAC 's 1981 report , The Role of the Comptroller and Auditor General , stated that the present arrangements for the financial audit of nationalized industries should continue but that the C & AG should have access to the books and records of these bodies in order to enable him to report to the House of Commons ( paragraph 4.16 — 4.19 ) .
25 ‘ I would , however , ask Dr Hendron to tell the people of the Shankill how they should gain access to the hospital as he has been so determined to keep the gates in Lanark Way firmly closed , ’ Mr Rodgers said .
26 And in determining what is suitable they must have regard to the matters referred to in the last three lines of the substituted subsection .
27 The court must have regard to the welfare principle in s1(1) and the checklist in s1(3) when considering whether to make an order .
28 ( 5 ) Wherever , in ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) above , the order requires one or other court to consider whether it ought to try the case or whether it ought to transfer it ( pursuant to the powers of transfer under ss 40(2) , 41(1) or 42(2) of the 1984 Act ) that court must have regard to the criteria laid down in art 7(5) and set out at the start of Chapter 13 .
29 But in considering any possibility if development , would you agree Mrs that one must have regard to the suitability of one site versus another site in relation to damage which might be caused ?
30 Lord Scarman has been its most enthusiastic advocate , urging that English media law should be interpreted , as far as possible , in conformity with Article 10 : " If the issue should ultimately be a question of legal policy , we must have regard to the country 's international obligation to observe the European Convention as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights " .
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