Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Microsoft one plugs into a serial port you may want to use for a modem , while you have to hunt for a mouse to fit into the IBM PS/2 socket .
2 Any condition that a board may seek to attach to a licence can only be attached by a valid bye-law : Allied Breweries ( U.K. ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1985 S.L.T. 302.5.140(6) provides that bye-laws made under the 1959 Act continue in force .
3 For the non-obese Type 2 patient reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may be effective , but many may need to progress to a sulphonylurea with intermediate duration of action such as glibenclamide .
4 In very wet weather you may need to resort to a weedkiller like Weedol to kill annual weed seedlings , although chemicals are best kept for really problematic weeds .
5 If you think you do n't qualify , you may need to apply for a divorce in the ordinary way and you should consult a solicitor .
6 If the purchaser is a listed company it may need to apply for a listing of the consideration shares .
7 The patient may need to eat from a bowl at first , as he gets used to eating one-handed .
8 Such movements , however , do not necessarily and simply entail the substitution of a smaller conjugally-based family for a traditional extended family ; rather it would appear that at these times kin may take on a new significance , and that we may need to look at a network of relationships much wider than the conjugal family .
9 This discussion should include other professionals in the multidisciplinary team and may need to start with a recognition of their own feelings , before meeting with the old person concerned .
10 The two- or three- volume catalogue should appear to coincide with a survey exhibition of drawings from Chatsworth to be held at the British Museum this year .
11 It had surprised Ruth that the Carsons should choose to live in a boarding-house , until she discovered that in New York it was quite the thing-always supposing that the establishment was high-class and in a good locality .
12 If you wish to live in central London , you should choose to stay in a hotel .
13 ( Why Jeffreys should choose to appear in a court at York is puzzling , especially in the wrong clothes for his time and in a building which was erected about 60 years later . )
14 I should like to live in a community , Eleanor Thorne decided , I should like to taste the fruits of life in a small home , a retirement home , an old people 's house , whatever it might be called .
15 In that connection , I should like to quote from a letter that the Secretary of State wrote to the right hon. Member for Selby ( Mr. Alison ) who was concerned — rightly so — about a letter that a tenant in his constituency had received from Grand Metropolitan Estates .
16 To close , I should like to quote from a source that especially some of us find more authoritative than a business man .
17 For the purpose of this book , I should like to think of a smallholding as any parcel of agricultural land of up to ( say ) 100 acres , organized to be worked by one or two people , without paid labour , and through which they can make part or the whole of their living .
18 We must try to respond to a negative with a positive .
19 The female cuckoo can mimic only one type of egg and must try to lay in a nest of this species if her offspring is to have a good chance of survival .
20 In theory the salesperson should attempt to close at a peak .
21 My feeling is that while focusing on those we should attempt to focus on a solution as well .
22 The network protocol basically decides what kind of adaptor your PC must have to connect to a LAN .
23 In short what you should aim to create in a dining room is a special atmosphere within a very practical framework , so when you 've provided for the basics you can add to the mood with window treatments , interesting lighting and decorative tricks to make the room as comfortable , as functional and as good looking as you can .
24 Before you make up your mind , you should aim to look at a variety of plans .
25 The English Courts can go no further , in the absence of a Bill of Rights " incorporating " the Convention into English law , than to apply it when interpreting ambiguous statutes , on the presumption that Parliament must intend to legislate in a manner consistent with the United Kingdom 's treaty obligations .
26 ‘ That 's awfully kind of you , and I should love to come for a couple of days , if I may .
27 You must learn to ask for a deposit when you take an order and never , never let a garment go without the balance in your hand .
28 which must learn to dance upon a tightrope .
29 Like virgins to the sacrificial altar , they followed Molly Malone to the place where it all happened ; where Wrens must learn to live in a men 's world because now the war was nearer to them than it had ever been .
30 Before Morris introduced this type of maze , it had become common practice to study spatial learning in a more conventional version of the same task , in which rats are placed in various forms of radial mazes with four , six or eight arms , and must learn to run to a goal box containing food or water at the end of one of the arms .
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