Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] it in the " in BNC.

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1 When we settled down we played some tremendous football and maybe should have sneaked it in the end .
2 ‘ I saw you struggling with it ; you should have left it in the Range Rover — I would have lifted it out for you . ’
3 Rich , the fact is , he should have put it in the
4 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
5 McCarrick put them ahead in the eighth minute and they should have settled it in the 67th when Muir had a penalty saved , but Rimmer made no mistake from the spot to level the scores in the 83rd minute .
6 Should have taken it in the second half , but they could n't find the net .
7 Should have slipped it in the erm in the oven .
8 ‘ We also know that if Vechey committed suicide he must have done it in the early hours , just before dawn .
9 ‘ I did n't steal your money , you stupid bitch , you must have put it in the wrong apron . ’
10 I might have put it in the the bin .
11 I said you might have left it in the car .
12 ‘ I 've lost my lighter and I thought I might have left it in the car the other day .
13 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
14 He could have parked it in the Hilton garage , but if he needed to leave suddenly that might be dangerous .
15 The fact that she would return to the same workhouse 10 years later was in itself not untypical ; many genuine helpers in such institutions may have had it in the back of their minds that one day they would become the cared for , rather than the person doing the caring , as old age took its toll .
16 It also supposes that vigorous enough action in the early stages of the civil rights movement would have nipped it in the bud and restored Northern Ireland to stability .
17 Three of you are unlocked and you come down and there are prison officers standing everywhere — to me that was stupid , because if the women wanted to riot they would have done it in the dining hall there and then .
18 Now if some of the mathematics they had learnt had been relevant to them and interesting to them maybe they would have remembered it in the same way they 've remembered plenty of other things that are important to them .
19 In fact , he was so eager to be off that he would have left it in the street if I had not insisted that he should take the coals to his mother . ’
20 And his colleagues would have read it in the journal anyway .
21 It was also one of the most economical , which was why Kolchinsky would have purchased it in the first place .
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