Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
2 Doctor Milford must have told her sister the truth and she was taking it very hard .
3 Therefore an adjective which has the effect of qualifying a property rather than an entity will not occur in ordinary predicative position ( nor in postnominal attributive position ) ; this prediction is confirmed by the unacceptability of sentences such as : ( 11 ) the sum of $300 she had to pay was total the lecturer who is to greet the Queen is mere a scoundrel complete must have taken my umbrella the cousins distant were put at a separate table If the adjectives in ( 12 ) are acceptable , reflexion shows at once that they are adjectives with more than one meaning , and the one which appears in predicative position is not that in which they are sense-qualifiers : ( 12 ) their village is distant and hard to reach burning his licence was wholly lawful the set complete is worth 1500 francs
4 Opposite him Langford made some thundering tackles but then blotted his copybook with a stupid kick which , but for Underwood 's timely intervention , might have cost his side the match .
5 People like Garth Crooks , Mike MacFarlane and Garry Thompson traced back how they could have made their blackness the basis for defeatism , admitting that ‘ there 's no way a black guy can make it in this society . ’
6 She could have bitten her tongue the moment the words left her mouth .
7 In ‘ Understanding Labels ’ , for instance , an article in the ALBSU ( Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit ) Newsletter , it is pointed out that many of the subjects questioned about their ‘ reading ’ of a label on a bottle of pills would have given their children the wrong dosage as a direct result of the interpretation of the layout of the instructions .
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