Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These claims may relate either to the internal procedures of the organisation , or to its activities .
2 I SAID to the man who stood at the gate of the year , ‘ Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown ’ .
3 It can occur much earlier , but the peak danger period for the disease generally begins from the early part of July , and may persist right through the growing season until the big temperature drops of late autumn upset it .
4 Even so , honest advertisement of strength providing cues that can not be faked may count most in the long run .
5 But individual and group behaviour may deviate considerably from the declared goals of the organization , as in the case of punishment-oriented warders in reform and rehabilitation-oriented custodial institutions ; or racially biased police officials ; or socially biased welfare officials .
6 In the case of single or dominant firm monopolies while it is accepted that these may behave detrimentally to the public interest at large , few democratic governments have had , or are likely to have , the political will to intervene directly in their operation , particularly where their market positions have been legitimately attained , and their activities are not overtly illegal .
7 The woody tubers may survive outside in a mild winter , but if they do n't , the seeds certainly do , emerging in thickets the following year .
8 The strict parent or the sarcastic schoolteacher may act more from a suppressed need to hurt than from his or her desire for discipline or wish to be thought amusing .
9 The three parties fought the elections for the Constitutional Convention as a coalition with a joint manifesto which-emphasised that Northern Ireland should remain indefinitely as an integral part of the United Kingdom and that power would not be shared with Republicans although that was not an objection to Catholics as such .
10 It can leave the Tower if driven out in this way , but it must stay close to the outside walls .
11 Coming towards winter , birds have usually scoffed the berries of Viburnum opulus by late autumn , but the big , bottle-shaped hips of Rosa moyesii last until Christmas and holly berries should persist well into the New Year .
12 Accordingly , as you convert your plan into a series of sections or paragraph topics , you should think carefully about the logical or rhetorical relationship between them : e.g. cause and effect ; particularisation and specification ; illustration ( if so , of what exactly ? ) .
13 Bristol and Liverpool law societies concurred in this approach , whilst Leicestershire felt that the prohibition should relate exclusively to a personal interest on the part of a solicitor ;
14 Outlining the proposals , which will be put in writing to the Bank of England task force set up in to pick up the pieces after Taurus , Mr Pearson said the key point was that any new system should focus solely on the professional market — leaving the private shareholder with paper certificates and the existing fortnightly settlement system .
15 Whether doctors should concentrate solely on the clinical aspects of general practice or act in a wider capacity to tackle the underlying causes of ill health is a subject often discussed .
16 They should root well by the following November .
17 Initially the king was unsympathetic to Hopton 's petition , claiming that at the material time he had not been acting as a justice owing to a bureaucratic muddle over his appointment , but by December 1290 he had agreed that the money Hopton had already paid towards his fine should count instead towards a fine he had made to secure the wardship of the lands of his late wife .
18 We should act only in a professional or agency capacity in connection with negotiations ( ie not as principal ) and the client for whom we are acting should be clearly identified .
19 The standard molar enthalpy of a reaction is written It is essential that should refer unambiguously to a specific equation or formula .
20 If I want to leave a room , I must do so by the limited number of means available to me , which will be by the door or the windows ; if they are locked , I can not leave .
21 If the seller does agree to convey them , he must do so within a reasonable length of time , section 29(3) .
22 If parents choose to proceed on this basis , they should do so with the full understanding that they may be aborting a child capable of experiencing as full and satisfying a life as anyone else .
23 Every child must break away from the parental fold , and establish his own personal identity .
24 Branches should report regularly to the main charity ( we do receive their minutes and annual reports at Head Office ) and their accounts should form part of the main charity 's accounts .
25 I should steer clear of the throw-it-all-in-a-pot philosophy , though .
26 If you must use then as a temporary measure , run them round the room at skirting-board level and tape them in position .
27 4.8 Ideally , no worker should work alone in an isolated office or building and arrangements should be made to ensure that , as far as possible , this does not happen .
28 Training for speed must work repeatedly on the fast twitch fibres on a stop — go basis .
29 Ideally , the hotel name should feature prominently on a large sign , either over the gateway opening or mounted above the wall each side of the entrance and angled to face incoming traffic .
30 Betula pendula ‘ Youngii ’ , with weeping branches , is a neatly compact form which should fit neatly into a confined space without becoming an embarrassment .
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