Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [Wh det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I may tell lies all my life if it 's expedient but I must know them for what they are and I must never tell them to myself .
2 If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is — avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse , then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce .
3 I think , I think we should see it for what it is , which is a power struggle inside a ruling elite in the Soviet Union for which we do n't really have an interest in taking sides .
4 It was also understandable that he should hate her for what he thought she was doing , or , rather , helping Garry do .
5 I think he should appreciate you for what you are — an attractive young woman of today . ’
6 Absolutely I was aware that Graham was very anxious to be involved in this process , er for example he wrote me a note and I think other members and it 's because of those , of those notes that I was anxious that we should inform them of what we were up to and if you want to share any of the papers or agendas please ask .
7 He must be ‘ full of knowledge , even of tillage and pasturage , and through teaching people by what they understand must lead them to what they understand not ’ .
8 This only applies to teaching so surely we should change it to whatever they want basically .
9 I swear before God that I 'll expose you for what you are : a four times murderess . ’
10 We 'll compare it with what we took up at the site . ’
11 ‘ I think we 'll send you for what you British might call a long stretch … . ’
12 ‘ If they did you 'd hate her for what she did to Grandfather . ’
13 She was obviously shaken , and who could blame her after what she 's been through .
14 And then the when they were built Sometimes some folk used to build them into what they called a hay soo It was a square kind of a thing but er and I do n't know why they put it into a hays hay soo as we say , but it seemed to er it seemed to be better to keep the h the wet out I suppose .
15 Eadmer noticed Anselm 's habit of trusting men long after others had seen their deceptions : but then at last he would recognize them for what they were .
16 She ought to hate him for what he threatened to do , yet inside she felt a treacherous excitement at the fact that he wanted to keep her close .
17 He said well from my point of view anyway at least he said just disregard that completely he said and we will do it on what you earnt , so he said all I can is erm just put in as many hours as you can to get your wages up on that side erm and then by the time we look at that he said , the end of February obviously you 'll have December , January and February which will be good months there , I said yeah so he said well then you know erm a hundred pound here and a hundred pound here he said , it all helps to keep the figure up for you so he s
18 You will find , young lady , that nobody will employ you without what you evidently know only too well how to give .
19 They have enough inner strength not to feel threatened by the demand for child-like dependency implicit in tears ; they will recognize it for what it is , a temporary rather than a permanent threat to their autonomy .
20 ‘ That will remind us of what he 's had to say , and I think he may just find it acts as a spur to show him what we can do .
21 As a result , we now have a very detailed picture of the lifestyle of the cuckoo and can recognise it for what it is : not a case of divine creation , but a superb example of the complex adaptations that occur in the intricate interrelationship .
22 What is crucial , then , is not that a particular individual should necessarily own property himself , but that ‘ property should be sufficiently dispersed so that the individual is not dependent on particular persons who alone can provide him with what he needs or who alone can employ him ’ .
23 We want to change the whole concept of how dance music is appreciated , so that people can see it for what it is .
24 If we can recognize it for what it is , then we are well on the road to dealing with it , and being able to put it behind us .
25 Well then you can have it for whatever it was for .
26 There is nothing he can tell you beyond what I already have — that as far as we are concerned my mother has been dead for more than twenty years . ’
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