Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Little is known about the effect of different care settings on the children 's education though the fact that many foster parents and residential staff have had limited educational opportunities themselves may influence them in the importance they attach to the children 's success in school .
2 We have shown how group frequencies derived from experience with other molecules may be used to suggest assignments for particularly characteristic bands , and how the use of isotopes may assist us in the deduction of molecular structure and of the types of atoms involved in each mode .
3 If we do not need all that DP equipment now we may need it in the future .
4 The Russian Sputnik had been launched two years before , and produced in the United States a feverish alarm lest their Communist competitors should outstrip them in a world increasingly penetrated by science and technology .
5 Accordingly , rather than declaring that question ( 4 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) has become otiose , I propose that the court should answer it in the negative .
6 The section does not specifically empower the policeman to give directions as to how the actor should conduct himself in the future ( as by leaving the spot ) .
7 That being so , ‘ I must immerse myself in the atmosphere of my homeland . ’
8 Whenever a person is confronted either with death or potential life , they must immerse themselves in a mikva in order to purify themselves spiritually .
9 When a woman has finished her menstrual period and has counted seven days when no fresh bleeding has been apparent , she must immerse herself in a mikva before sexual relations with her husband can resume .
10 A bride must immerse herself in a mikva before her wedding .
11 A woman who has given birth must immerse herself in a mikva before she can resume sexual relations with her husband .
12 It 's as though the superego suddenly stops functioning , though why I should describe it in the kind of shit jargon dreamed up by that Jewish prick Freud is beyond me .
13 If we want to see the glory of God ( which no man can do in all its unmediated radiance , and live , Exod. 33:20 ) then we must seek it in the person of Jesus .
14 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
15 And then I should do it in an hour .
16 I mean s Kingsley Black has stood it in here to the second post now if he does n't feel he can get enough on it to go for goal he should keep it in the danger area just turn it back across the face of the goal and let one of the other lads have a go at it , Collimore or Rozario .
17 If the Greens ever form a government , they should use him in the commercials advocating population control .
18 ‘ You should see it in the summer .
19 Must use it in the future .
20 Quite simply , the parties to a deed should sign it in the presence of a witness , who must be present at the time it is signed , and who must then put his own name , address and occupation .
21 They must squash them in the hand and just throw it in must n't they ?
22 we should have one in The Dog .
23 Product shots , too , must have everything in the picture fully identified .
24 She must call him in the morning , give him all the names she had found , and let the police handle any investigation .
25 ‘ We 're ready for you , now , ’ Bloxham said , indicating that Dowd should join him in the lift .
26 Bingley 's Richard Nerurkar , who finished second , should join him in the team , having achieved the qualifying time in the World Championships last year , but third-placed Paul Evans must decide whether to chase it in Europe before the team is finalised on June 28 .
27 But now , with only a little while to go before she must join him in the sitting-room , she was starting to have second thoughts about the wisdom of accepting .
28 We can not dictate what our children will make of the Community , but we must leave them in a position where they can effectively influence the shape of Europe , and that Europe must be one in which we retain our distinct national identity .
29 Pretty little thing , but Philip must clue her in a bit about how to behave .
30 No one should tumble her in an alley … nor in this Godforsaken brig .
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