Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Older men are usually polygynous ; thus a youth rarely has available for marriage an age-mate female , and he must wait for a younger generation of females to mature before cohabitation with them .
2 The process of modelling the organisation should result in a better understanding of the business .
3 The first should result in a lower incidence of infections , possibly in combination with decreased severity due to a lower average ‘ dose ’ of pathogens crossing the mucosal barrier , whereas the second will tend towards a decreased severity , but not incidence of infection .
4 No other mention is made of the fact that Molla Fenari 's son ( presumably Mehmed Sah ) was with him ; and , though the sentence is in the context of the visit of 823 , it presumably must refer to an earlier Ramadan .
5 Before parting with the case , we should refer to a further argument mounted by Mr. Thornton .
6 The passage from Lord Lindley 's judgment that I have cited has been relied on in a number of subsequent cases but , before coming to them , I should refer to an earlier case , Bainbrigge v. Browne ( 1881 ) 18 Ch.D. 188 .
7 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
8 Where solicitors want a " consent order " , provided it does not relate to a possession order of residential premises , and is not for an order in matrimonial proceedings , the Court staff can now sign it , which should provide for a quicker return ; it must be clear from the face of the order that it is " by consent " .
9 ‘ Do n't you think you should begin with a lighter schedule ? ’
10 We must work towards a wider range of ‘ acceptable ’ lesbian and gay images , and stop colluding with restrictive definitions .
11 But you should descend at a higher rate so as to reach 2500ft before you turn .
12 When Baldwin returned to London , Tom Jones showed him an article in the Political Quarterly , suggesting that the new Monarch should mix with a wider range of people .
13 This should lead to a better quality of grape in the following season .
14 That is why it is so important that , as one of the conclusions of the Maastricht settlement , it was agreed that the 12 countries should set up an organisation loosely known as Europol whose first job would be to set up a Europeanwide drugs intelligence unit among the Twelve , which should lead to a greater level of co-operation with our continental partners to stop Ecstasy and other drugs coming into the country .
15 It should lead to a greater efficiency among the police and give a much-needed boost to the fight against crime .
16 New business gains at both companies were achieved and together with recent price increases , should lead to a further advance in profits in 1993 .
17 He devoted his life to politics for a twofold purpose : to ensure that the useless slaughter of the First World War was not repeated , and that the survivors of that horrific experience should live in a better world .
18 The ‘ antagonism of interest ’ , which Green knew existed , could ‘ only be met by moral ideas appropriate … to the citizen stage … the reconciliation must come through a higher gospel of rights — the gospel of duty ’ .
19 But ‘ real ’ memory must last for a longer time than such short-term effects as habituation and sensitization , and must show greater specificity .
20 When the desired entry is not on that track , these search figures become a full revolution and one-and-a-half revolutions respectively before it is clear that the record is not on the track , and the search must continue on a further track .
21 Detailed analysis of the court rolls should help towards a closer understanding of the character and transformation of Welsh society during this period .
22 Only about 12 per cent of companies might be termed ‘ high-tech ’ , although this figure should rise as a higher proportion of post-designation companies fall into this classification .
23 First , that it was only part of a larger scheme , yet Hope had made the point that the new Foreign Office should conform to a larger plan .
24 The fact that acts of violence , aggression , or even boastfulness ( buagun ) are consistently condemned , and the lack of any positive evaluation of acts of ‘ bravery ’ or ‘ courage ’ , may result in a lower rate of deliberate maiming and homicide among the Buid than among populations which attach positive evaluations to such acts ( everything else being equal ) .
25 Even where the data is collected by trained interviewers , non-response probably remains a greater problem than with small samples , since the requirement of having a team of interviewers ( rather than one or two ) may result in a lower commitment to the goal of obtaining a high response rate .
26 It is usually closed after a limited period , whereas the underwriting of a rights issue , especially where the rights issue is conditional on the success of the offer ( because the outcome of the offer is not guaranteed ) , may result in a longer underwriting commitment period and consequently higher underwriting costs .
27 Research findings may contribute towards a wider interpretation of Irish economic and social history and extend the methodology of dietary history , whilst throwing light on changes in health and disease that follow dietary changes in countries undergoing economic development .
28 The timely award of an extension of time may avoid problems which might arise at a later stage when a contractor submits a claim for taking extraordinary measures to recover lost time owing to the late issue of an instruction , for example .
29 Anyone who considers what has happened with regard to the sugar and milk quotas or to anything else about which we felt that we should have had a different package but could not achieve it will be aware of how dangerous it is to allow the negotiations to proceed quickly when a longer discussion might result in a better solution .
30 However , there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services .
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