Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers and perhaps civil servants may think of local authorities as useful agents for carrying out policies decided nationally in government departments and approved by Parliament .
2 Whilst each House is the sole author of its own Standing Orders , proposals may emanate from any source although initiatives are commonly taken by the Clerk and a common source of proposals is the reports of select committees specially constituted to consider a particular matter .
3 Climbing expeditions into the peaks themselves have also left behind piles of rubbish , and Cullen ( 1986 ) points out that the problem is compounded by the fact that in such a high Alpine environment decomposition rates are very slow so that discarded materials may persist for several years if not decades .
4 The cartographic data must exist in digital format before they can be used within a GIS ; although the amount of digital map data is growing larger a considerable amount of manual digitizing is needed in practice to provide the database necessary for a successful GIS .
5 They just say , ‘ Well you should think of those things before you get into trouble .
6 As sitting tenants we get first refusal , but he must know by next Monday whether we 're interested . "
7 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
8 Otherwise I fear you must wait in closer confinement till I come back , for I 'll trust no one but myself to keep you safe for me .
9 This pivot must result in primal feasibility since , if i = 0 denotes the z-row , we have , as the goal is not yet achieved and for i > 1 , where k is the pivot column , because of the unboundedness .
10 For successful anaphor resolution , it is important to co-ordinate the contributions of system components embodying different types of linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge , such as configurational constraints in ( ‘ He examined him ’ , the two pronouns can not co-refer ) , sortal restrictions ( in ‘ She drank it ’ , ‘ it ’ must refer to some liquid if ‘ drank ’ is interpreted literally ) , focusing ( as in ‘ He examined its legs ’ above ) , and reasoning ( as in the second sentence of ‘ John told the waiter he had no money .
11 It was used to argue that all members of the household should contribute to local revenue if they used local services .
12 Ideally , you should look on such money as a bonus and should save or invest it .
13 The banking system and the economic reforms must work in those countries before anything else can happen .
14 They recognise that teachers from different subject areas must work alongside each other if the work is to have the necessary sharpness .
15 Obviously in practice the lenders must look for better returns than this ( for example by working their collectors harder or perhaps paying them less ) , which of course only serves to emphasise that their rates of charge are far from profiteering .
16 Some say that when data is damaged , its integrity is compromised , so you must look at each record before you automatically recover it .
17 Mrs Mills said that the prosecution or magistrates should decide in certain cases whether an accused person ought to have a jury trial .
18 However , in the end most people , including John Taylor , have come to the conclusion that black holes must radiate like hot bodies if our other ideas about general relativity and quantum mechanics are correct .
19 It should sell like hot cakes if I knock it into the right sort of shape .
20 It was answered , here was a local visitor , who has given a sentence ; and be it right , or be it wrong , the party is concluded by it ; and you must submit to such laws as the founder is pleased to put upon you .
21 It is especially scathing about Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's comment that SSDs should pay for all contingencies unless ‘ unforeseeable and significant ’ .
22 The 75 Ross employees in Austin , Texas will transfer to Fujitsu when the deal is completed — it should go through next month if Uncle Sam does not put up the kind of objections that thwarted Fujitsu 's desire to buy Fairchild Semiconductor Corp a few years back .
23 The 75 Ross employees in Austin , Texas will transfer to Fujitsu when the deal is completed — it should go through next month if Uncle Sam does not put up the kind of objections that thwarted Fujitsu 's desire to buy Fairchild Semiconductor Corp a few years back .
24 One day my mum rang up and said she did n't want me to come home again and that I should go to Social Services because she was sick and tired of all the bother and everything .
25 Despite strong support from the Government benches for Mr Lamont 's proposals , Mr Hughes said : ‘ The Chancellor has not met the nation 's needs and he should go without further delay before he does more damage . ’
26 You should go around some time because i it I mean I know you 're it 's just , just like
27 If , as its Members will , it seeks to bring about such change , it must rely upon other agencies if it is to shift the location of so much as a single molecule .
28 High market growth , if taken to be an indicator of an early stage in a life-cycle ( or a break-point upwards in a revitalized mature-stage life-cycle ; see Gilbert and Strebel , 1988 ) , coupled with high market share should lead to high ROI if the appropriate investment is undertaken .
29 She complained that it was ‘ indecent that fellows and wenches should come at such hours as they do ’ to get her husband out of bed for the night watches .
30 But the fundamental data must come from original records if a truly significant investigation is to be made .
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