Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun] [det] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I mean really , really dreadful vision , and erm , er er of course , erm er er er , I just have compensated , you know , I really ought to wear specs all the time , and just , and just know that I just take specs off and on , off my nose as , as I , you know , need to er , as I require them .
2 Mind thoo , ’ she added , ‘ Aah do n't know what thi faither 'll say ti such a colour .
3 Bryan 's enthusiasm for the old Hi-Watt is shared by Keith , who used to use Hi-Watts all the time .
4 Lesley says : ‘ She used to have hair all the way down to her waist .
5 ‘ When I am Prime Minister , I shall have jelly all the time . ’
6 ‘ We will give franchisees all the training in selling and fitting them — it takes about 30 minutes to install one — but we find many people are keen on DIY and would want to do their own . ’
7 Regular contact with Compact schools as outlined in No. 10 and No. 12 above will give employers such a forum .
8 Washing up is a problem because of the business of having to fetch water and heat it up , so I do not bother much with tinned soup , which can make pans such a mess .
9 You know if er you know if federal government says well we think it 'd be a good idea to set up a erm you know a national space agency er NASA and all these other wonderful things , you know , and all the people in congress say great idea , great idea er we 'll have to have a launching site , we 'll have to have a launching site in Florida er cos it 'd be good to get one next to the water otherwise the rockets might come down and hit people and that would be unfortunate so we 'll agree there has to be a seaboard state but Flo well we 'll choose Florida cos the weather 's nice and you can play tennis all the year round so it 's a good idea and then we have to have mission control , right ?
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