Example sentences of "[subord] they [vb past] [verb] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 Laidlaw had been detained by the police only hours after Barak 's murder and although they had interrogated him at regular intervals every four hours , trying to break him down , he had managed to stick to his story .
2 They were constructing a series of weirs upstream , so they had told her at ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ , which would eventually control this annual predator , but for this year , at least , it surged down irresistibly as ever , biting acres out of its banks as it cornered , like a ferocious animal frustrated .
3 All the villagers had an increasing tendency to address Lydia , if they had to address her at all , in the third person through the medium of Betty and it seemed that Elizabeth too had caught the habit .
4 Medieval town planners , as many cities further north bear witness , would have provided a more sensible plan if they had provided one at all .
5 Rangers , though , deserved some fortune because they had enjoyed none at the other end .
6 It was four hours later when they woke to find him at the foot of the bed saying : ‘ I 've got a gun and I 'm going to shoot you . ’
7 In general , to this visiting UK pilot , New Zealand landing and parking charges seemed to be negligible , on those occasions when they bothered to levy them at all .
8 They claim that this age is far worse than previous ages , and they go on as though they had learned nothing at all from history — and yet history is the great teacher of life ( magistra vitae ) .
9 This was style , as they had taught her at school .
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