Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although they recognize that social relations , discourses , and language are not the same thing , their practice tends to belie this .
2 Although they accept that these numbers include practising Christians unable — or unwilling — to pay the tax , they believe that most are people who have long drifted away from the church .
3 No sorry , I only put , well you got one I suppose if they know that this rap thing wo n't last long
4 If they find that one person or company is buying up too many newspapers — as has happened in Britain , for example — the Commission can stop that process , Mr Jayaweera said .
5 The offer is there and is open to senior police officers if they believe that such batons would be of advantage to their forces .
6 After all , they choose to buy their own newspapers and may be bound , psychologically , to defend their own chosen paper even if they accept that other people 's papers are biased .
7 After a few drinks and dancing , all were quite content until they heard that some people get proposed to on Christmas Eve .
8 They will try harder for a period until they realize that this strategy no longer works .
9 Because they know that next time they 'll be out on their ears . ’
10 So , for various different reasons , most of the Unionist leaders approved of Lloyd George 's intentions ; the party managers agreed because they feared that continuing disorganization on the Coalition Liberal side might eventually wreck the government .
11 It was a private lair , and though they 'd often wished to have a fire they 'd never done so — not because they feared for the dry wood of the spinney but because they knew that rising smoke would sooner or later be investigated .
12 This trend was welcomed by articulate working class women 's groups such as the Women 's Cooperative Guild , because of poor working class housing conditions and because they believed that working class wives needed a respite from the cares of managing a household .
13 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
14 Most companies , although indicating a preference for locally manufactured equipment , have made extensive use of suppliers from outside Wales , generally because they feel that local suppliers can not meet their needs .
15 With the law as it is there may be some men who would prefer an adult partner , but who at present turn their attention to boys because they consider that this course is less likely to lay them open to prosecution or to blackmail than if they sought other adults as their partners .
16 Credit granters told us that they rarely checked information about employment because they found that many people regarded this as an invasion of privacy .
17 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
18 17.5 These points are relevant both to programmes of study and to assessment , since they show that linguistic forms can not be corrected or assessed independently of their purpose .
19 Since they accept that some types of nuclear weapons can be used in this way , the argument is designed to legitimise the development and deployment of tactical or ‘ counterforce ’ nuclear weapons and other weaponry associated with a shift away from Mutual Assured Destruction towards Nuclear Utilisation Target Selection ( MAD versus NUTS : see Keeny and Panofsky , 1981 ) .
20 To find out whether they win that all-important gold run , you 'll have to tune in when the programme is transmitted in September .
21 To find out whether they win that all-important gold run , you 'll have to tune in when the programme is transmitted in September .
22 If things are as bad as the hon. Gentleman says , will my right hon. Friend ask the business men why the west midlands has managed to attract so much investment in manufacturing from abroad , why foreign countries have chosen to locate in the United Kingdom and whether they believe that those people would stay if they had to experience the burden of heavy taxation , job losses and days lost in strikes that would occur with the return of a Labour Government ?
23 What did the delegates think when they composed that Gogolian policy of assessment in which results are first faked and then suppressed ?
24 Pluralist accounts of the Japanese state for example underestimate the ambiguity of the division between public and private when they imply that individual rights in a liberal democracy confine the scope of the state to exclusively public spheres .
25 Yet the programmers and the educational technologists are undoubtedly right when they insist that current trends and changes in education require more systematic thinking , whether or not we always adopt on every occasion their particular model for it .
26 ‘ No doubt there was some cross or ornament they found when they robbed that poor creature , and Adolph had made a fantasy out of it .
27 This strategy is not the whole solution ; for example , external reviewers may be reluctant to identify under-resourcing as a serious quality problem , when they know that additional resources are not available , just as juries would not convict for lamb-stealing in eighteenth-century England when they knew conviction would lead to death .
28 's ( 1965 ) three dimensions and in a survey of heads of household in Illinois , found that socioeconomic status generally accounted for more of the rural-urban variation than either occupation or residence , and then rejected Bealer 's approach when they argued that future work should concentrate on single-dimension variables .
29 Harrison and Mehta are more convincing when they argue that one precondition for a long-term settlement in Afghanistan based on a stricter interpretation of non-alignment could be a broad Great Power or regional understanding on the neutralisation of Southwest Asia .
30 ( It is paradoxically liberals who provide me with my argument for this when they argue that violent people can be ‘ understood ’ since they know no other language with which to express their inarticulate aggro .
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