Example sentences of "[subord] he has [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although he has provoked a strong reaction among a sector of the community where one would have thought his support would have been strongest , Father Morrow is still determined to press on with his case .
2 Although he has had a good response from his three other beers , production is still only two barrels a week .
3 Although he has found a new cutting edge to his game , after managing just five goals in his previous 104 league games , it is as a creator that Alex Ferguson most cherishes him .
4 There was no confirmation of an agency report that Erich Honecker , the East German leader , might resign , although he has postponed a planned visit to Denmark .
5 Operations director Alan Brown has been with the company since 1969 , as chef , manager and director , so he has built a long-standing relationship with many of our clients .
6 So the , the upshot of it all , is he 's banned for two races , but this is a susp suspended erm , ban over two months , er er , over six months rather , so it means that if he 's a good boy over the next six months he wo n't miss any races at all , so he has had a lucky escape .
7 Once he has persuaded a certain colleague in the States to sell it to him .
8 The buyer is entitled to the return of his money in full provided he has suffered a total failure of consideration , i.e. has received no benefit under the contract , Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna v. Fairbunt Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd. ( 1943 H.L. ) .
9 He will not reveal details of his method of preservation until he has published a scientific paper on the matter .
10 You may also be shown how to guide his arm movements , if he has made a good enough recovery to practise these correctly .
11 There are now two further exclusions which apply — if the insured at the time of effecting insurance is receiving inpatient treatment or is on a waiting list for inpatient treatment and if he has received a terminal prognosis then no payments will be made .
12 Obviously he is entitled to it if he has got a good case .
13 It is one of the most interesting books I have ever read … not because Rorty is claiming to have discovered the Truth but because he has written a fine description of our confusion and of our capacity to create our own selves .
14 The fans support him because he has had a raw deal .
15 This type of relief is of great benefit to the retiring director upon the disposal of his shares in the company , providing he has kept a sufficient percentage holding of shares and has been a full-time working director until this point in time .
16 Loban ( 1963 and 1976 ) deserves mention , also , since he has completed a unique longitudinal study with the aim of identifying definite stages of language development .
17 The courts are generally concerned only with the question whether the promisor has made a bargain , not with whether he has made a good bargain .
18 Already , before he has found a theological universe in which to create them , they have the feeling of lost souls , fodder for hell .
19 In Germany a child proceeds to the next year only when he has achieved a satisfactory standard in every subject of the curriculum .
20 We will record his successes on this star chart and show him how he can earn treats when he has collected a specified number of stars [ see page 57 ] .
21 He jumps at home only when he has had a long rest and needs a quick reminder of what the job is all about ; otherwise his jumping is confined to the shows .
22 Blanche does , though , feel great affinity towards Mitch as he has suffered a great loss like Blanche 's , but unlike her he has managed to rebuild his life .
23 Even though the gift was subject to a reservation Mr X must pay tax at half the Sched 1 rates as he has made a chargeable transfer .
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