Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had decided it was not a subject for honest men , and had gone on to history , where he had developed a real interest in local history and a talent for getting old working-class men and women talking about the customs and social conditions of their childhood .
2 Where he had felt a little pang — outside , horse-held , self-wrapt — now , delighted by the truculence of her conversation , he was ravenous .
3 He found Joseph in the Hungerford area , where he had rented a small farm .
4 He 'd stayed there ( ‘ in Didcart ’ ) much longer than he 'd intended ; and when finally he tore himself away from the Cornish Riviera and the Torbay Express he 'd walked back to Didcot Parkway Station at about five o'clock , and caught the next train back to Oxford , where he 'd , er , where he 'd had a quick drink in the Station Buffet .
5 Mark , whom I have already quoted in my discussion of the lab work , was a final-year student at A who , although he had obtained A level grades of AAAB , eventually failed his degree .
6 But although he had mustered a large army the siege went badly for him .
7 Although he had had a distinguished military record as a young man , he was sixty-two and had been engaged in predominantly civil duties for the previous twenty years .
8 Although he 's got a good job so Pam said I do n't know why he 's got in that problem .
9 Although he has provoked a strong reaction among a sector of the community where one would have thought his support would have been strongest , Father Morrow is still determined to press on with his case .
10 Although he has had a good response from his three other beers , production is still only two barrels a week .
11 Although he has found a new cutting edge to his game , after managing just five goals in his previous 104 league games , it is as a creator that Alex Ferguson most cherishes him .
12 There was no confirmation of an agency report that Erich Honecker , the East German leader , might resign , although he has postponed a planned visit to Denmark .
13 Mercy wants to say , of course , that Cruelty in this god-governed universe is going to be defeated by Mercy , so he 's got a technical problem .
14 Operations director Alan Brown has been with the company since 1969 , as chef , manager and director , so he has built a long-standing relationship with many of our clients .
15 So the , the upshot of it all , is he 's banned for two races , but this is a susp suspended erm , ban over two months , er er , over six months rather , so it means that if he 's a good boy over the next six months he wo n't miss any races at all , so he has had a lucky escape .
16 For someone she had met only once he had had a remarkable impact on her .
17 Once he had recovered a little strength he ended his address with a quotation from Archbishop Leighton : " " How small a commotion , small in its beginning , may prove the overturning of the greatest kingdom !
18 Once he has persuaded a certain colleague in the States to sell it to him .
19 The buyer is entitled to the return of his money in full provided he has suffered a total failure of consideration , i.e. has received no benefit under the contract , Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna v. Fairbunt Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd. ( 1943 H.L. ) .
20 He waited until he had collected a large number of observations of the fact that he was fed at 9 a.m. , and he made these observations under a wide variety of circumstances , on Wednesdays and Thursdays , on warm days and cold days , on rainy days and dry days .
21 Fen waited until he had negotiated a narrow stretch of the canal and a close encounter with another boat .
22 Not until he had negotiated a sudden hazard up ahead ; then , apparently seeing no reason why she should n't have an answer , he replied , ‘ I 've a brother living in Prague . ’
23 Then he fiddled with the controls until he had produced a clear sound that was audible even over the wind .
24 He will not reveal details of his method of preservation until he has published a scientific paper on the matter .
25 That is a question I am afraid that is impossible to answer at this stage , that wo n't be known until he 's had a thorough investigation by the surgeons at the hospital who er probably wo n't be able to answer that for a day or two yet .
26 ‘ Not exactly the Spaniard who blighted my life , but he looked like he 'd blighted a good few others . ’
27 The barman looked like he 'd had a long day 's journey into night , although the monocle and the silk smoking-jacket were as natty as ninepence .
28 But he did it with a warming smile and a ready assumption of her allegiance and willingness , more as if he had asked a small current courtesy of his wife than given an order to a servant .
29 If he had consulted a Green candidate , he would have been told that even the other parties ' policies are not tough enough in theory let alone practice .
30 The stranger 's clothes were dusty and muddy , as if he had travelled a long way .
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