Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] [prep] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
2 What he thought of Canon Wheeler , if he thought of him at all , he had never , in his gentlemanly fashion , revealed to anyone .
3 And he accepted these conditions believing , no doubt ( if he thought of it at all ) , that I fulfilled myself by providing the conditions he as an artist needed .
4 Li Shai Tung let the remote drift slowly towards the starship and sat back , one hand smoothing through his long beard while he looked about him at the faces of his fellow T'ang .
5 After opening nights at Blackpool , she would snub John ; when he waited for her at the front entrance with their car and chauffeur she would deliberately slip out of the Stage Door and go home by tram .
6 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
7 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
8 In the past , he had only ever spoken well of his mother , when he spoke of her at all .
9 When he stood beside her at the grave he longed to hold her hand , and the sight of smudges on her cheeks from weeping made his heart ache .
10 When he turned towards me at Dun Laoghaire , he looked the complete tearaway .
11 Only now he was smiling as he looked around him at the chaos .
12 Although on occasion he functioned as leader of the Congress movement , the ascendancy he achieved over it was purely personal , and he could make it seem as though he played with it at will .
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