Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I decided to go for the pills first , but after three months I was still in agony so I went for the laser operation .
2 in the endland It was too far to go every day , so I went for the week , came home to the flat at weekends , She had squash , groundnuts , rows of beans on nylon lines She had me for the weeding .
3 I tend not to read long interviews with top celebs , as much to avoid discovering that they are dickheads as anything else , so I look for the news , gossip and reviews .
4 I ducked so fast I was n't sure whether he 'd seen me or not , but it gave me a prickly feeling just to imagine it , so I scuttled for the door and legged it up the spiral stairway three steps at a time , just in case .
5 I mean if I knew for the fact that I was gon na get this job at the hospital I 'd pay for it
6 ‘ And what if I call for the steward ? ’
7 Would it be alright if I stayed for the rest of the afternoon ?
8 I was so disappointed to find out that , because I work for the company , I could not send off for three free tea towels and a £1 gift voucher being offered as part of a Hovis and JS combined promotion .
9 Department managers , new checkouts , do all the bits and pieces on , and wanted me to do , while I wait for the shift to come in , and they start at seven .
10 I might eat a bread roll without the butter while I wait for the meal to arrive , and slimline or diet drinks act as a wonderful filler .
11 A very cold lump formed at the back of my spine while I waited for the rest of it .
12 Hour after hour the legions marched past , walking as much over each others ' bodies as over the ground , while I waited for the queen .
13 While I waited for the doctor , worried stiff , a girl arrived , advanced in labour .
14 He called on me at the apartment a few hours before I left for the airport .
15 ‘ I have to walk to the bus stop , and when I wait for the bus there 's some of them slag me off and they push you about .
16 And I 'll bring up your bottle when I come for the tray . ’
17 It was a big disappointment to me that when I applied for the news editor 's job , I did n't get it .
18 When I went for the bread-soda she was patting his headache away , and the scones must be cooked by now . "
19 When I went for the paper this morning there was this dog , two dogs actually , but one
20 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
21 I dropped it when I left for the realm .
22 Ricardo shows great patience with me as I reach for the dictionary or , using a book and his long fingers , he makes the rituals clear to me .
23 All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind as I waited for the explosion in our midst .
24 Now , in these quiet moments as I wait for the world about to awake , I find myself going over in my mind again passages from Miss Kenton 's letter .
25 I take advantage of the silence as I wait for the punch-line to review the facts and fictions of the short story of Dudley Moore 's life .
26 I closed my eyes in reverence as I chewed then as I reached for the pint pot again I looked up at the small figure on the bin .
27 A harmless grass snake , I concluded , although I must admit that the proximity of the Reptile Centre did make me a touch more circumspect than usual as I made for the summit .
28 As I prayed for the peace of our souls and for forgiveness for both of us , I was startled to see the wick on his candle fall over and almost go out , while mine remained upright and brightly shining .
29 Okay well we 're waiting as far as I know for the money to come
30 Though the marker stone had been half out of water when I started to run , the whole barrage of banked stones , with the causeway atop , was suddenly aswirl and , as I raced for the crossing , the level seemed to rise a foot or more .
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