Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Three of them floated in a sea of garlic and tomato and although I found them no better than chewy chicken my wife told me they were well up to scratch .
2 There was an elderly man about 80 sitting on a seat , so I showed him an old photograph , and he remembered the lady we were with .
3 I could see that she was scowling and stiffening into a Mark 2 temper , so I gave her an encouraging smile — which raised her , as I expected , to a Mark 3 .
4 I was scared of them but I was n't going to let them get away so I gave them a good run for their money .
5 There were a lot of young drunks staggering about , too — most at that noisy and unattractive stage where they might want to be your pal or pick a fight or just throw up on you , so I gave them a wide berth .
6 After half an hour I was still waiting , so I gave him an experimental pull and the hook came back minus the barbel .
7 well any way look , if I made you a thin bit of steel straight across the centre like that
8 If I show you the general norms it makes a lot more sense .
9 I noted , and we 've already had the flavour of it , in to some respect today , that initially you had almost unanimity of support from the District Councils er York City have changed their view erm and equally Hambledon are very luke warm , if I put it no more than that , er on the idea of a new settlement in the sense that they probably support the principle of the new settlement , but not in Hambledon .
10 " Hell buy ten grand 's worth of … ( an electronics company ) , if I tell him the latest profit figures .
11 Well if I tell you a little secret about this .
12 ‘ What if I tell you the whole truth ?
13 You know very often a parent , if a parent senses a child it 's partly in the interests of reality you know , like I say to my younger son you know , look if I buy you a third Big Mac , let's face it , you wo n't be able to eat it .
14 It would n't look very good if I gave you a great big rambling piece of paper now to tell you about communications
15 You see , if I do you a wrong and you forgive me , it 's not because I 've exercised grace , it 's because you 've exercised the grace .
16 The only way people will trust me is if I give them a signed piece of paper with my address on . ’
17 Do you think you can manage the walk back to Three Colt Street , if I give you a helping hand ? ’
18 It would n't come across as very credible if I trusted you a third time .
19 ‘ My mother can come with us until I find her a suitable companion . ’
20 Once Anne had accepted the fact that I was n't gon na work in the foreseeable future , and it was her choice that we stay , cos I gave her a clear choice , it was either move away where I could get work , or stay and suffer the wages of the dole like you know .
21 I want to have you about the house because I brought you a little souvenir from New York , only it may take a while to get it out of my suitcase .
22 Because I thought it a good idea to have your home address , ’ he added , in the same tone .
23 She says she did the Byrd show ‘ because I found her a fascinating part of the underground scene in New York , and I felt somebody should expose her to a bigger market .
24 I was once a Member of Parliament and one day in the chamber at Westminster , a Puritan , a lozenge of sanctified humility , got up from his arse and roared at me because I called him a blackened turd .
25 Yeah , only I want him to try these on you see because I bought him a new pair yesterday
26 Come here till I show you a real fighting man ! ’
27 I already had permission to search all the surrounding fields , so I waited until the field was harvested before I gave it a thorough going over with my detector .
28 Clive practised his exercises diligently and , when I saw him the following week , he had mastered the breathing technique — although it still took a great deal of concentration on his part and was not something he did naturally .
29 And when I saw it the other day , on my way from London 's West End , I could n't believe it .
30 When I saw it the other night , tucked inside the cello part of one of the piano trios we play , she had got as far as ‘ State 7 — Moderate Gale : Intervals of laughter .
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