Example sentences of "[subord] it [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , the infection may be confined to the inside of the mouth , where it may not produce any symptoms , or may cause ulceration which is difficult to distinguish from ‘ aphthous ’ ulcers ( the small mouth ulcers that are so common and so difficult to treat ) .
2 They had ceased to be shocked by nudity , and accepted that it now happened mostly on remote beaches where it need n't offend any villagers .
3 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself in extreme cases the fish has been known to leap from the tank .
4 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself .
5 This feature is not as gimmicky as it sounds , as putting down a very hot air gun where it will not do any damage can often be a problem .
6 Similarly , the company says that its plans for international expansion are pressing ahead , although it would not name any potential partners or put a time scale to its plans .
7 But Planck 's quantum principle tells us that each gamma ray quantum has a very high energy , because gamma rays have a very high frequency , so it would not take many quanta to radiate even ten thousand megawatts .
8 It uses lots of expensive gallons of fuel to the mile and it probably has n't got even one of its tanks full so it would n't get any distance . ’
9 Neither will it encourage investors so it wo n't bring any significant change in the private sector and it is n't enough to generate sustained growth .
10 Also , remember that Windows only looks at its INI files when it starts up , so it wo n't see any changes that you make to them until Windows is restarted .
11 He said : ‘ I grabbed the knife and bent it double so it could n't do any more damage . ’
12 This , however , is a story by Enid Blyton so it could n't contain any symbolism , could it ?
13 If it ca n't make any sense of its argument , it returns zero .
14 If it ca n't do this the affected part of the structure remains damp ; This can then encourage rot to grow on timber , and may also result in frost damage to masonry in cold weather .
15 If it ca n't get all the way round cos someone 's pulled this wire out , or opened a switch
16 His cousin , Francis Drake , who had also been among the survivors of San Juan de Ulloa , took a more aggressive attitude to the Spanish empire ; as an uncompromising Protestant he felt that his country ought to be at war with Spain and , if it would not do this , he would fight on his own account , looking round for people prepared to invest in a private attack on the wealth of Spain .
17 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
18 The hungry or thirsty horse becomes anxious if it can not satisfy these needs , and as a consequence drives itself harder to find food or water .
19 Cos it wo n't make any difference .
20 Cos it wo n't make any noise then
21 OSF is doing the final integration and testing of DME reportedly because it could n't get any of its members to take the job after the tussle IBM had integrating DCE .
22 It could not sue in respect of an imputation of murder , or incest , or adultery , because it could not commit those crimes .
23 It could not sue in respect of an imputation of murder , or incest , or adultery , because it could not commit those crimes .
24 Furthermore , it recognized that because it could not supply such high quality weaponry as the United States , and because communism did not commend itself to most Arab regimes , the Soviet-Arab bond was bound to remain weaker than the American-Israeli one .
25 The ASB is due to consider acquisition accounting later this year , but Mr Garner says that what it is currently proposing ‘ will not be a problem for us because it will not make any difference to the end product , just the presentation ’ .
26 This sections is present to identify those environments with which the process might deadlock ( i.e. stop because it can not agree any communication with the environment ) .
27 Somehow the salmonella knows it is not E. coli even though it would not require many mutations for it to become E. coli , or the reverse .
28 Tony Benn 's agent , Tom Vallins , says Benn has fought on the party manifesto ‘ though it may not represent all his own individual opinions ’ .
29 Presumably this will make it easier for voters in the Tory heartlands to shop abroad and avoid duty , though it may not do much for the Conservative vote in Kent .
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