Example sentences of "[subord] it [verb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's surprisingly wild in its upper reaches where it leads to Threshthwaite Mouth — one of the most distinctive though seldom used passes in the Lake District .
2 In 1976 in the Conservative Monthly News Lord Whitelaw was clearly of the opinion that ‘ Undoubtedly , economic mismanagement … where it leads to high levels of unemployment , especially amongst young people , also contributes considerably to increasing the number of those tempted into a criminal life .
3 Though the six counties initially refused an offer of separation from the rest of Ireland , that was the compromise eventually agreed on , although it led to civil war in the new Irish Free State , and remains the root cause of later violence .
4 Does n't it rather vitiate the nature of Cabinet government , though , if a decision , like the one to remove all exchange control , a very fundamental one for any economy , is in fact worked up , although it goes to full Cabinet in the end , in such a body ?
5 Although it grows to some 20cm in the wild it rarely achieves even half that size in the aquarium .
6 not apply , any more than it does to all garden plants , There are certainly some , the Mediterranean group for example , which includes oregano , lavender , rosemary and thyme , that grow in this sort of environment , but there are many more which need such conditions as shade , moisture , plenty of food , or deep soil , or they may want varying combinations of these , or any of them combined with their opposites .
7 THE SAATCHI & SAATCHI share price responds better these days to gossip and innuendo than it does to hard fact .
8 David O'Leary had another reason for the lack of flair : ‘ Once it went to extra time everyone was afraid to make a mistake .
9 Leave until it rises to three times its initial volume , then cook in a preheated oven ( 220C/425F/Gas 7 ) for 30 mins .
10 If it came to straightforward riot control , the most appropriate force would probably be the 12,000-strong People 's Police Alert units , under the control of the ministry of the interior .
11 If it came to constitutional change , he would prefer it to involve the introduction of direct presidential elections — no doubt hoping that the first directly elected president would be none other than himself .
12 If it came to unknown backgrounds , after all , no one seemed to know too much about Wheeler 's .
13 If it happens to both machines it 's obvious the common factor is you , yourself . ’
14 Behavioural : Changes in values so that other people 's behaviour that would previously not have been accepted becomes progressively more tolerated if it relates to addictive disease .
15 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
16 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
17 It may be exempted under Article 85(3) if it contributes to improving production or distribution of goods or promoting technical or economic progress while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit .
18 Clearly it would be difficult to justify a dual system of justice if it led to certain types of people being more easily convicted , for the whole concept of the rule of law was to tip the balance of power away from the accusing state to the accused individual because it was rightly felt a too one-sided contest without such protection .
19 For example , if the notion of human rights is a meaningful one ( itself in hot dispute ) , and if it extends to all humans , including the severely and terminally brain-damaged , then how could we logically fail to extend the notion to at least some animals ?
20 This claim is not a conscious , spoken claim ; if it gets to that stage , we have already left it too late .
21 If it amounts to some sort of ‘ machine privacy ’ , is that at all suggestive for the question of consciousness ?
22 Section 33 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 , even if it applies to composite rate tax , is not applicable for a number of reasons , not least that no valid assessment could be made under an invalid regulation , that no assessment was in fact made and that , even if made , the assessment could not on the facts of the present case have been said to be ‘ excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return : ’ section 33(1) .
23 The reply would be satisfactory if it conformed to standard practice .
24 Because teachers are , on the whole , expected to have quiet , orderly classrooms they will be most likely to regard mathematics as relevant if it leads to good behaviour .
25 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
26 Is it correct to claim , as Marsh does , that aggression is ‘ the inflicting of physical hurt ’ with its associated aim of ‘ subduing or achieving dominance over a rival ’ ( 1978 : 33 ) or should one follow Eibl-Eibesfeldt 's broader definition and classify behaviour as aggressive ‘ if it leads to another party 's being hurt ; this includes not just physical hurt ( injury or destruction ) but any kind of hurt , including annoyance , taunts or insults ’ ( 1978 : 29 ) ?
27 Well you 're not gon na get , be able to get marks if it comes to that son !
28 Such a tax is seen as having lower disincentive effects than an income tax because it relates to past effort ; i.e. there is no disincentive effect to work for additional income that is to be consumed .
29 Because it applied to all bodies everywhere , the universe had at last become a universe .
30 The first , by a Bank of England official , must be presumed to have been highly critical because it led to drastic reform of the island 's supervisory procedures .
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