Example sentences of "[subord] in the [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although in the early days he was ungainly , he was very tall
2 As Bryan says , his main guitar is a Strat , although in the early days he used a Les Paul …
3 I know very well that in many cases this is in the mind of the palaeontologist rather than in the rocky facts themselves .
4 This is , however , a deficiency in modern academic scholarship rather than in the paper-based systems themselves .
5 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
6 If in the early days she was chiefly responsible for shifting a lot of blue eyeliner and baseball caps , she gradually became an inspiration to the frail , the disadvantaged and the miserable .
7 ‘ A lady of light weight may ride to the top of Skiddaw without alighting , and descend it to the town in safety , if in the steepest parts someone manages her horses head .
8 For instance , even today they both use the same gauge guitar strings because in the old days it was cheaper to buy one gauge in bulk .
9 It was one of the only places that you could get banjo strings to put on the top , because in the old days you could n't get thin guitar strings .
10 In the three Tests they captured only 28 wickets , while in the one-day internationals they drew 3-3 , having led 3-1 .
11 The good responders showed a persistent improvement in external anal sphincter function , while in the poor responders it had reverted to prebiofeedback values .
12 A second dominant trend in the twentieth century is the gradual extension of democracy , but as I showed in Chapter 1 this was a slow and halting process in the interwar years , with democracy being suppressed in several European countries , by fascist regimes , the Stalinist dictatorship and the dictatorships in Portugal and Spain , while in the colonial territories it either did not exist at all , or in a few cases only in rudimentary forms .
13 In so far as war recruitment affected the labour market , by emphasising labour shortage in the brisk years it may have helped advance money wages , while in the worst years it may have limited the extent of unemployment .
14 One government pamphlet complained how scarcely any of the Anglican clergy could find it in their hearts to thank the King , " and those Few that pretend to do it , have proceeded so Awkwardly in their Acknowledgments , as renders them of very little Value , since in the same addresses they also pressed for " the continuance of those Penal Laws , which diametrically oppose … the Royal Indulgence " .
15 So there is much for Buddhists and Christians to discuss together , much indeed for Buddhists to discuss among themselves , for in the early days there was a group of atta-vadins , people who believed in a self , while in Maha-yana , the Buddhism of the north , a more developed doctrine of salvation and grace would seem to make belief in selfhood logical .
16 The founding father of modern Mithraic studies , Franz Cumont , showed that Roman Mithraism was a continuation of the Iranian religion of Zarathustra and that its origins can be traced back to the Hindus , for in the Vedic hymns we encounter the name Mitra .
17 Though in the early days there were capacity problems at Gloucester , by and large the new arrangements have worked well .
18 Buddhists of the Northern school of China and Japan evolved their own theory of grace and came to believe in the Buddha as a Saviour , though in the earliest Scriptures he himself claimed to be nothing more than a teacher , a shower of the way .
19 Though in the old days it had been she who had braved her mother 's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself , while her sister stuck grimly to her books and her duty and her long-term plans .
20 Playing out of defence , however , was about as far as it went , though in the closing stages they produced the most sustained attacking football of the afternoon .
21 She came with him to Joe 's birthday party and danced mainly with Peter , though in the slow numbers she gave him no encouragement to smooch with her ; and when she danced with other people he thought that , quite literally , he was going to die of pain .
22 Although the reference to memory is not as direct as in the other questions it is clear that such decisions at the strategical level are based on memory in at least two separate ways .
23 Whether he did this is questionable , as in the following months he made a kitchen in the east end of the greenhouse .
24 In order to find out why things had not been going so well on the land as in the urban areas we must once again go back to the beginning of the eighteenth century .
25 Jackson ( 1973 : 145 ) shows that these interests were hidden by the demands of style , as in the semi-detached properties which employed a basic frame but added a spurious individuality on the façade in order to make the house more attractive to prospective buyers , or the modernist-style buildings , which proclaimed their scientific nature to the degree that elements of the internal construction which would not normally have been visible were externalized onto the façade to display a commitment to the appropriation of new technologies .
26 Conchis was no more than the chance agent , the event that had come at the right time ; just as in the old days I might , after a celibate term at Oxford , have met a girl and begun an affaire with her , I had begun something exciting with him .
27 All these variables , however , were similar to those of normal subjects in the 15 patients re-evaluated after 12 months of gluten free diet as well as in the 35 patients who were treated for more than one year , who were all in clinical , biochemical , and histological remission .
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