Example sentences of "[subord] we [was/were] [v-ing] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , that sort of thing has a really limited audience and , because we were living in Hawaii , there was nobody there to watch us anyway , so we were coming up with the most insane stuff we could do , basically just to please ourselves !
2 Whereas before we were going up in leaps and bounds .
3 And when we were going up to ooh .
4 with a s as we were picking up from last week , a c a c in , in a sense that land reform is , is already taking place , there is this sort of groundswell from the masses that to move beyond the , the moderate policy and that is then formalized in the May the fourth directive which marks like the return to land reform going back to and then y y y y you 've got the implementation of that May the fourth directive and then out of a very difficult position in nineteen forty seven when they , they are under attack from the Kuomintang and i in the spring of nineteen forty seven is actually taken by Kuomintang .
5 Just as we were coming up to the laundry , Kaptan broke free of the Corporal and ran down the side of the building .
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