Example sentences of "[subord] at the same time [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Something might be true although at the same time harmful and dangerous in the highest degree ; indeed it could pertain to the fundamental nature of existence that a complete knowledge of it might destroy one — so that the strength of a spirit could be measured by how much ‘ truth ’ it could take , more clearly , to what degree it needed it attenuated , veiled , sweetened , blunted and falsified .
2 Judge power The authorised number of Lords Justices was at present 26 , one less than at the same time last year .
3 It is already apparent that players are much fitter than at the same time last season .
4 The amount of money donated to the Village Association through the envelopes is less than at the same time last year .
5 The total number killed was 16 fewer than at the same time last year .
6 ‘ I can tell you he 's running quicker than at the same time last year , ’ said the Welshman , confident that Christie is capable of matching Canadian Bruny Surin 's 1993 world best of 6.45 .
7 He 's more forward than at the same time last season . ’
8 It has also stood Marx on his head , by transforming itself from a classless society into a caste society ( if at the same time gratifying Lenin 's hope that the intermediate stage of class society might be bypassed ) .
9 By the second decade of the new century instrumental music in general had developed special properties rendering obsolescent the concept of composition ‘ da cantare et sonare per ogni instrumento ’ or ‘ apt both for viols and voices ’ , while at the same time concerted secular music for voices was beginning to be overtaken in popularity by the vocal solo or duet .
10 Teachers in ordinary schools need to be aware that some visually handicapped pupils may have these social needs while at the same time encouraging positive and enjoyable social interaction between pupils within the full range of vision .
11 The idea is that the Government would maintain a central funding role , and would lay down the rates of benefit , while at the same time encouraging organizations , possibly private ones , to handle the payments to customers .
12 In addition to the significant changes which have taken place in local taxation , there have also been attempts by government to modify the tax structure in order to make it more equitable , while at the same time encouraging savings and increasing the base of UK share ownership .
13 The result was that the Ops inspectors were not only permitted but actually put under pressure to qualify and remain current on at least one large modern public transport aircraft while at the same time flying club and private aircraft as well .
14 Instead , urged on by his military and political masters , he pressed on throughout July and into August , while at the same time fresh Russian attacks were made to the north of his armies .
15 This is the classic position , and with only the bat to be raised the batsman is in position to move back or forward while at the same time able to focus on the ball .
16 EC Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Dec. 8 criticized Greece for allowing Greek companies to violate UN sanctions by shipping oil to Serbia while at the same time withholding oil from Macedonia .
17 Although it had been a rest home for British Telecom , alterations were necessary to provide the ten individual bed sitting rooms and the Housekeepers flat , whilst at the same time some safety improvements were needed to meet the Fire Officer 's regulations .
18 In view of the excellence of British beef , why is it that major British restaurant chains , which , incidentally make generous donations to the Conservative party , are unable , on the grounds of quantity , quality and consistency , to use a single ounce of British beef in their restaurants , when at the same time 1 million tonnes is rotting in intervention ?
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