Example sentences of "[subord] they would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Where they would land on the southern bank of the Tay was a spit of fine , shoaling sand lifting to watery meadows .
2 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
3 It was as though they were marching up great soaring bridges to get on to the screen , where they would enter into the films we had come to see .
4 Contributors invested in them as they would in any commercial building company and their philanthropy lay in accepting a return which , at 5 per cent , was lower than they would expect on the free market .
5 Cos people would far sooner ask somebody than they would cope with the complications of this sort of thing .
6 The one-to-one teaching usually meant that they learned more and did better than they would have in the classroom .
7 Making risk assessments while they were driving may have caused drivers to think about risks in the situations to a greater extent than they would have in the course of normal driving .
8 The crisis-weary Poles are showing far less enthusiasm for this agreement than they would have in the heady days of 1980 .
9 as if they would move in the same circles .
10 I am not sure at the moment if the labour are sure if they would work under the Labour government .
11 She waited by the window to see if they would reappear in the lane which led into the woods .
12 Like they 'd crawl across the floor in restaurants pretending to be a couple of dogs .
13 Because of the scale of the proposals , and because they would result in the excavation of large quantities of gravel , it has been agreed that the application would be dealt with by the two county councils .
14 In the early days , the band 's self-image was completely true because they would walk from the floor of the club on to the state and then mingle with the punters afterwards .
15 ( A group of judges who were all soft conventionalists would disagree about the exact content of the law because they would disagree about the content of this implicit extension . )
16 ‘ What you have to do if there is an accident — and there has n't been one , thank heavens — is keep the spilled PCBs out of watercourses , because they would accumulate in the fat of organisms which came into contact with them .
17 You 'd have to have a sensor going down the corridor and one in the back because they 'd come in the back , they would n't come through the
18 For the first time since they 'd come into the house , Roman turned his dark gaze directly on to her .
19 In other words , I was trying to establish whether religion had been important enough in the interviewees ' childhood ( at least , as it was now remembered ) for it to be mentioned , without any prompting on my part ; and then , I would try not to prejudge what the interviewees thought was involved in religion , but let them decide what aspect would come out ‘ naturally ’ — whether they would talk about the institutionalised churches , private prayer , a personal relationship with God , a way of looking at the world or the ultimate meaning of their existence .
20 BRAZIL 's 1-0 victory over what amounted to a Holland B team in Rotterdam on Wednesday night continued the process of pragmatic regeneration they have undergone since the desultory performances in Europe last summer which left some observers wondering whether they would qualify for the World Cup at all .
21 whether they 'd stay in the right shape or not .
22 But Palestinian negotiators insisted that all of the 415 alleged Islamic militants exiled to Lebanon in December must be allowed back before they would return to the negotiating table .
23 Jean 's black curly hair Hew out as they swung round and her cheeks , always so ripe that they looked as though they would bleed at the touch of a straw , reddened more richly than ever .
24 However , in presenting the distillation from my note-taking I shall arrange the music categories roughly as they would appear in the record review section of GRAMOPHONE , beginning with orchestral discs .
25 Two of the great houses in Jane Austen 's novels , Donwell and Northanger , have their origin in abbeys ; but they acquire no spiritual dimension in consequence , as they would do in the Victorian novel , where the proportion of great houses grown from abbeys must surely exceed the proportion of those that , like Fountains Hall , actually did so in fact .
26 as they would say in the army she had legs that went all the way up to her bottom !
27 One is likely to get guidance as to the meaning of received in the United Kingdom for these purposes from the cases on Schedule D , Cases IV and V. In addition , the second limb of s740(5) states that s65(6)– ( 9 ) shall apply for the purposes of s740 as they would apply for the purposes of s65(5) if the benefit were income arising from possessions outside the United Kingdom .
28 The relevant provision is s740(5) which reads thus : An individual who is domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall not , in respect of any benefit not received in the United Kingdom , be chargeable to tax under [ s740 ] by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not , by reason of his being so domiciled , have been chargeable to income tax in respect of it ; and [ s65(6)– ( 9 ) ] shall apply for the purposes of [ s740(5) ] as they would apply for the purposes of [ s65(5) ] if the benefit were income arising from possessions outside the United Kingdom .
29 Dressed as they would have during the revolution . ’
30 Tongues solicitously tutted over the black band still stitched to Melanie 's sleeve for they all ( as they would have in the village ) knew of the children 's arrival and how they had been orphaned .
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