Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] [adv] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although they have yet to fully scrutinise the book , sources close to Venables cite at least four areas in which action might be appropriate .
2 Over recent years the Tourist Office has re-vamped certain traditional festivals so they appeal more to both tourists and locals .
3 However , because thermosetting plastics consist essentially of an irregular three-dimensional network of molecules , something like glass , they have quite a low work of fracture — seldom more than 100 J/m 2 and usually much less — and so they behave mechanically in much the same way as glass does .
4 There were sometimes they , they came , if they 'd been in action and er , the people had actually found blood and parts of the uniforms in the air gunner 's compartment at the back , and the , the fella , the navigator u and bomb aimer used to be in the nose , they had n't got much of a chance if they came down in there because they were right cut off from the rest of the aircraft so , but it was virtually a suicide position in the nose of the Bostons .
5 If they come out at just over 13/16in , three will stack up to make 2–1/2in .
6 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
7 Because they went back to very ancient things they went back to ancient Greek or Egyptian things .
8 The remaining two and a half thousand , because they come in on very much slower methods , can take up to two to three hours to reach Bracknell , but by the end of the three hours we have all the information that was available at any given hour of the day .
9 Ca n't wait till they come back over here .
10 many children as they can before they get back to where their group is positioned .
11 Mind you , the odds were loaded against the Irish before they left home without so many experienced players .
12 And it is a big let-down when they fizzle out with only a snap , crackle and pop .
13 They fall into some categories do n't they , like the lazy slob , who never does anything , never washes a dish or ne never helps at all around the house , so even though they stay there for about a week .
14 Had they not seen in the evening the clouds in the West with seas and lagoons , and in the night the lights of the canoes as they sail on for ever ?
15 A couple of men waved white handkerchief frantically above their heads as they walked gingerly to where other forms were lying , deadly still .
16 Quiss said as they came closer to where he had dumped the mendacious scullion in the cauldron .
17 The novelty of girls on the premises was duly reported in the local press when term started , and quite quickly forgotten , too , as they settled in with very little fuss .
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