Example sentences of "[subord] for the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We were pleased to find the palace deserted ( or so we thought ) except for the usual steward and bailiffs who stayed throughout the year to clean the rooms , wash the hangings and sweep out the dirt once the court moved on .
2 Agrippa 's face was round , cherubic , his features small and neat like those of a child , except for the hooded eyes and the look of sardonic amusement with which he watched everything about him .
3 Except for the two years after Martin drowned I 've always been able to believe that at the heart of the universe there is love . ’
4 All the intercepts are significantly greater than zero except for the first sub-period when it is significantly lower than zero .
5 All was quiet now , except for the gentle rain and Daine 's music .
6 There was no movement except for the tiny spider that was crawling up Nicky 's arm .
7 In the main , they were alone , their boots ringing hollow on the hard enclosed tracks except for the scavenging cat and threatening rustle of rats gnawing in the heaps of refuse which littered every street .
8 No further food or fluid was consumed , except for the standard meal until the last urine specimen had been collected .
9 But statistics were not at the heart of the thing except for the occasional schoolboy or zealot .
10 Not a leaf moved , except for the dead leaves that Clare trod on .
11 I feel we are acting furtively , hurrying it out of sight , we ca n't talk about it , except for the momentary panic when we think we have included my father 's jacket .
12 Cold predominates : the mean temperature in some months in the North American tundra may be -30°C , and in Siberia an astonishing -50°C ; and in summer , the ground may remain frozen solid ( ‘ permafrost ’ ) except for the top metre or so .
13 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
14 Except for the hilliest areas and the West Country more generally , pack animals had dwindled by 1800 with road improvements bringing even relatively remote places into the expanding network of timetabled stage-wagon services .
15 Then he laid her on the bed and feasted his eyes on her , slender and seductive , totally naked except for the glowing ruby that flashed fire whenever she moved her hand .
16 It is an unrelieved black except for the white flanks but a watcher catching it in the right light might see the head has an iridescent purple sheen which can be striking .
17 There is no more evidence for these suggestions , however , than for the possible suggestion that the office was largely honorary and created ad hominem for Molla Fenari , perhaps as an inducement to return from Karaman or as an additional honour when he did return .
18 Table 9 and Table 10 show that RFA is significantly greater for males than for the general population and from Table 8 that RFA is greater than for females .
19 In Australia the absence of population in the great central deserts ensured that the stations were built more for the benefit of the trains than for the nonexistent passengers and goods .
20 During assessment , it was more frequently the case ( approaching significance ) for the specialist team than for the other teams that more than one visit was made to the client .
21 The skills required were no less than for the intricate metalworking and jewelling skills of the Kentish craftsmen , but the effort and raw materials required were on an altogether different scale .
22 In the London suburb where I live we see plenty of foxes , and I feel far greater affection for them than for the local cats or dogs .
23 Such discounts can mean the price is many times lower for the branded drug than for the generic drug and consultants may be unaware of the price in the community .
24 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
25 And since for the successful confection and storage of many , although not all , potted meats and fish , clarified butter is a necessary adjunct , it seems only fair to warn readers that the process does involve a little bother , although a trifling one compared to the services rendered by a supply of this highly satisfactory sealing , mixing , and incidentally , frying ingredient .
26 It 's contracting not only as regards the Walsall trade , but for the simple reason that hides and skins at ma v very largely found in the countries of Asia , Africa and South America .
27 Percy Pilcher , a naval architect at Glasgow University was experimenting with a powered glider and , but for the tragic accident that ended his life , would have entered the history books as the first man to fly an engine-driven aircraft .
28 Doubtless the number of victims of this particular form of surgical homicide would have been greater but for the American Food and Drug Administration , whose officials promptly and wisely proscribed the procedure .
29 The latter at more than eight minutes long could easily have become one but for the hypnotic strains and pumping rhythm .
30 The individual entering hospital as a patient , whether for the first time or not , will be leaving behind his usual environment and lifestyle .
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