Example sentences of "[subord] it may [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A brass plaque was duly struck in Benjamin 's memory and mounted in the church near the organ , where it may still be seen :
2 RDBI The Relational Database Interface product allows data held by LIFESPAN to be transferred to a relational database where it may then be queried by users .
3 Belief in the power of such plants can be traced back to the time of the Druids ; it was certainly part of the belief system of the Celtic peoples , and although it may not be voiced so explicitly as it once was , yet the custom of planting and preserving this special tree is still continued by some people .
4 Similarly , women are not beyond attraction to a young boy , although it may probably be said that this is less often the case .
5 The didactic contract is between teacher and pupil although it may never be made explicit .
6 Rugs employing this scheme are becoming increasingly rare and , although it may still be found on some workshop items , the only group to use it with any regularity are the Abadeh weavers of south central Persia , India and Pakistan make a few rugs in this design .
7 Moreover , the time required for the economy to approach the vicinity of a steady state may be quite long — longer than it may reasonably be expected that the parameters remain unchanged .
8 The collapse of Taurus will also give revenue an unexpected bonus as the scrapping of stamp duty on share dealings will be postponed , while Government borrowing looks as if it may not be spiralling out of control at quite the rate first feared .
9 Only under a threat to withdraw the final from Del Mar did the organisers appreciate that a roof was an integral part of the deal , even if it may not be needed to protect horses and riders from the elements .
10 Your solicitor , during the course of making enquiries about the home you are going to buy , may not uncover a right of way because it may not be registered and the present occupant of the property may not be aware that there is a legal right .
11 I hope that you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , will impound the Secretary of State 's passport because it may well be needed when the full inquiry gets under way .
12 This seems in principle to be an equally available justification as regards the mentally unfit , even though it may well be deplored .
13 The life-history reminds us that we are always talking , in the end , about people , and this makes it a favoured research tool of the ethnographic researcher , though it may also be used as an initial guide for ‘ opening up ’ almost any area of research .
14 ( 3 ) As an ‘ unregistered company , ’ I.B.C. is amenable to the jurisdiction of the English court to wind up unregistered companies under Part V of the Act of 1986 , though it may not be wound up voluntarily under that Act : see section 221(4) .
15 Once sheep is acquired , for instance , the word dog is no longer over-extended to sheep , even though it may still be used for other kinds of mammals ( Clark , 1973a , 1978 ; Barrett , 1978 ) .
16 But immediately Hilton makes it clear that such a life-style involves an active life of its own if the peace that is sought is to be found , for it may not be had : This has been defined earlier as : Such an active component of spiritual endeavour is a concomitant of man 's temporal nature .
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