Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [been] [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It leaves me wondering why you should have been chosen for this very tame assignment .
2 The programme should have been broadcast for most of last month as well .
3 Sir Rhodes Boyson , the MP for Brent North , who has led the Tory backbench campaign to wring more funds from the Treasury , argued that more money should have been provided for next year .
4 Between a third and a half of all short-term in-patient beds are occupied by people with nowhere suitable to go , and it is not uncommon for patients to stay in an acute hospital bed for one or two years when they should have been discharged for continued treatment in a more appropriate domestic environment within three months of their admission .
5 Though put beautifully into the mouth of Hannah by the storyteller , it did not have its origins with her , but , to judge from its mention of the king at the end , must have been composed for national celebration at some point during the time of the monarchy .
6 Well he must have been transferred for some reason or other .
7 These settings must have been intended for private use since Calvin objected to polyphony in church , but when the Lutherans adopted them , using Ambrosius Lobwasser 's translation of Marot-de Beze ( Leipzig , 1573 ) , their congregations undoubtedly sang the tunes .
8 ( b ) The property must have been intended for private use , occupation or consumption .
9 The keys must have been lost for some time .
10 Annoyed that his cover might have been jeopardized for such a trivial reason , Coleman left Sasser 's office with the intention of coding an immediate complaint to Donleavy — only to run into Micheal T. Hurley on the stairway .
11 His eyes gleamed with what might have been taken for some inner illumination .
12 The vast foyer was carpeted in the softest green imaginable , the walls were even paler , so that at first glance they might have been taken for white , and the venetian blinds were a perfectly blended shade of moss .
13 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
14 She could have been kidnapped for all I know .
15 Many ordinary everyday objects and buildings could have been used for religious purposes , but this would not be detectable from archaeological evidence alone .
16 The Prince was sitting quietly there , his hands clasped , staring down at the table , so silent he could have been taken for some studious monk ; his robes , however , were splendid , his fingers covered in precious rings , and his hair and golden beard carefully combed and oiled .
17 At a victory rally Thorne stated that all four seats could have been won for Labour if they had fought as pro-ally candidates ( SE 1 January 19 ) .
18 Otherwise , if place could have been found for these minor poets and playwrights , not to mention jumped-up journalists who also figured all too prominently , surely a few sentences could have been spared for the man he himself had described as the one working-class writer who remained working-class — the man whom the Sentinel had called ‘ the poet of work ’ .
19 Another possibility is that the gas density may have been overestimated for some reason .
20 Divisions may have been formed for administrative or historical reasons , which do not necessarily produce organizational units which are identical with SBUs .
21 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
22 These may have been used for normal , secular water supply , or they may have had some cult use .
23 Outside the tomb entrance was a larger , rectangular altar which may have been used for sacrificial offerings .
24 It was bad enough trying to get to a classroom and he knew if he had explored the corridors he would have been lost for certain .
25 In any case , lest anyone think the Royal Society of Chemistry had pandered to Elena Ceauşescu 's vanity , he assured the public that ‘ the fellowship was presented at a ceremony no grander than would have been arranged for any other spouse of a head of state . ’
26 Thus if the 1976 Bill had gone through as introduced , railway and airline employees would have been treated as receiving benefits in kind from concessionary travel equal to the open market cost of tickets and schoolmasters would have been taxed for concessionary education on the amount of the normal school fees .
27 Had he not opened his mouth , he would have been done for dumb insolence .
28 Although in practice this means that some patients with chronic stable renal failure would have been referred for rapid investigation and diagnosis , we believe that this is preferable to taking a lower cut-off for carbamylated haemoglobin , such as 125 g VH/g Hb which would reduce sensitivity to 80% but increase specificity to 75% , since this would exclude some patients with a potentially reversible element to their renal failure that may not be so readily reversible if investigation and appropriate management were delayed .
29 The famous Curé d'Ars would have failed an ACCM on academic grounds and St Paul would have been rejected for other reasons .
30 Piggy is short-sighted ; and the spectacles he would have been prescribed for this condition could not possibly have been used as burning glasses .
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