Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What crime have we committed that we should have to live in this way ? ’
2 If the result of the income generation approach is that more resources are released to treat more patients and provide additional resources for their medical care , it does not seem that anyone should have to apologise for that policy .
3 It is wrong that we should have to reply on voluntary information in such an extremely important matter .
4 The bishops on Charles 's and Louis 's side , taking a firmer line about oaths , asked why anyone should have to sin in this case , and repeated the proposal that a complete survey of the empire be made .
5 On it a pavilion was built , joined by separate bridges to the French and Spanish banks of the river , so that neither minister should have to pass through foreign territory .
6 But first you 'll have to deal with this man and woman to satisfy yourself one way or the other about them .
7 I think that they 'll have to go in you 'll have to go into each area .
8 If the worst comes to the worst , we 'll have to go into hard training . ’
9 I suppose I 'll have to go to this Sheldrake man for my pigs . ’
10 ‘ That 's possible — he knows I 'll be looking for him — but he 'll have to remain in this country until he can collect his legacy , and by then he 'll expect me to have given up . ’
11 as colleagues who are involved will know is just about the only industry in the building materials sector that has n't made some kind of pay offer in this current round it 's very much bringing up the rear and we 're determined to use what industrial strength we have to change the employer 's stance otherwise we 're very concerned that the national negotiation missionary , this will be his death knell since we 'll have to resort to local pay bargaining , so the short answer is E C C er , will be balloted as far as the G M B is concerned union and , er , T & G are balloting in for industrial action to try to change the employers ' position .
12 Well they 'd already been to the pantomime at your school so you 'll have to wait till next year now .
13 aye and you 'll have to start saving this month
14 ‘ If they think you 're right I suppose we 'll have to send in another team to scour through the garbage again .
15 You 'll have to speak to that boy again today .
16 ‘ I 'll go back to my dad 's business until Christmas but then I 'll have to look for another job , hopefully I 'll be able to stay in golf .
17 I 'll have to look for another job , but there 's nothing suitable in this area .
18 And she said , ‘ You know , I 'll have to look in this trunk here , but I have n't got the time , I must be off now … ’ .
19 I 'll just , I 'll have to work till later man .
20 And then if er you want a so solicitor with you on that day we 'll have to come to some arrangement with you privately about the costs .
21 Well we 're just I 'm just we might have to ask for some money for it .
22 But while the FA Cup can still turn dreams into reality , the Second Division might have to settle for one representative at Wembley after tomorrow 's semi-finals .
23 The 10-year-olds followed an adventure route of ‘ real life ’ scenarios challenging them to think of how to deal with emergency situations that they might have to face in daily life .
24 Yeah but I do n't see how that might have to relate to national curriculum er
25 ‘ I do not see what Sid could have to do with this affair , ’ said Auguste , illogically shocked .
26 To go to the one in the park we 'd have to go up that hill and there 's no way I can push this buggy with Bryony in the front and all these fruit and vegetables I could n't get up and the hang on to you two with your reins I could n't get up that steep hill .
27 And if Marilyn Monroe wanted to be movies today , she 'd have to go on serious diet first .
28 The word of the Lord may have to do with faith in God that cuts people free from besetting depression , it may have to do with simple lifestyle or it may have to do with befriending non-Christians .
29 It may have to do with initial body roll , which ( despite anti-roll bars ) is still significant .
30 So you may have to wait till next year when I find a job for this year 's Christmas present — but this MUST NOT stop giving me his ideas as his birthday present is long overdue .
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