Example sentences of "[vb mod] n't [vb infin] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We must n't fall into a trap , Dexter . ’
2 Right , so that 's all we want to look at with regards learning styles I think the key thing to remember is that we must n't fall into the trap , because it 's our learning style if we actually put together our training which reflects our style .
3 I think , I take your point Ivor , and we do n't dissent from it , what we have to guard against , two things , one , that the Committee becomes big and cumbersome , and two , of course , we must n't get into a situation where a regional representative is repre is influencing decisions made elsewhere in the county , that 's the effect of the
4 But my aim was to join Must n't Grumble as a rhythm guitarist .
5 Maybe what we should say at the end of the day is erm just is n't talking about that , he 's on about a completely different subject and we really should n't erm we should n't beat over the head for having a bad theory of the self .
6 That does n't mean to say they should n't achieve inside the home too , but it does mean that they should have the chance of doing both if they want it , and I think perhaps most do .
7 But utility developers should n't throw in the towel just yet .
8 Israel wo n't and should n't pay for the freedom of Kuwait
9 A peek in the waste containers at the end of the lunch break is a good indicator of what should n't appear on the menu in future .
10 Zelda says , ‘ You should n't go into a relationship saying , ‘ I 'll alter him ’ , or ‘ Once we 're married … ’ , because they may not change , and what will you do then ? ’
11 The coal mines act said that I should n't go on the face until I was sixteen but er the war was on .
12 Miss H. K. Todd , of Ramsgate , Kent said : ‘ We should be careful to keep sex in check ’ — clearly suggesting I should n't go over the top with this topic .
13 We should n't stand in the way of the forces of justice , should we , Inspector ? ’
14 No , I do n't see any reason why we should n't arrive at a costing based on the costing quoted before .
15 He concluded the scene by saying that we would soon be stopping at Newmarket , but that British owners should n't get off the train as they would find no races there .
16 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
17 Zero temperatures and snow flurries should n't put off the winter visitor either because a visit to Boston — whether for Christmas shopping or a New Year break — will leave you glowing .
18 It is time to take into account the feelings and views of the ‘ natives ’ and to make it quite clear that anyone who does not want to be part of the family should n't come to the house .
19 One was about to start work in the engineering department of Rover and was already cute enough to know what you should and should n't say to a journalist , especially when it comes to forthcoming developments of the K-series engine .
20 It should n't happen to a doc !
21 He used it whereever he could and in some places where he should n't like in the rainwater system .
22 There comes a time in a nome 's life when he should n't crawl around the inside of terrible flying machines ! ’
23 we should n't look at the box
24 I would never go out like what Tony was saying you know he does n't drink at all and like he 'd be in a pub maybe seven days a week but I would take a drink now and again and I might n't go into a pub once in a month maybe .
25 " But we ca n't find four thousand in a week And , with things as they are , we could n't hope for a bank loan even if … "
26 Dalgliesh felt impatient for the arrival of the forensic biologist , although he knew he could n't hope for the answer , not yet .
27 we , no we broaden it i i , they they just could n't manage on the sea ones .
28 Now he knew he could n't manage without a butler .
29 ‘ I could n't stay at the house … ’
30 I could n't stay in the centre , there was n't space in the centre
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