Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [verb] to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It should not lead to a restricted curriculum , and its use was set in the context of a range of other methods which ‘ use pupils ’ own talk , interests and writing as the starting point for further work' ( NCC 1989a : 33 ) .
2 In his electoral speeches , Boris Yeltsin had emphasised that the president of Russia should not belong to a political party .
3 A degree in your fifties , sixties and seventies may not lead to a new career , but it will certainly result in a growing confidence and greater fulfilment .
4 You may not react to a casual slight about colonial manners , but I do .
5 The no-tax situation is not a first-best benchmark , since it may not correspond to a desired intertemporal distribution — and this may provide grounds for government intervention .
6 Here , each individual act or continuing infraction may not amount to a significant harm of itself .
7 Stamp J held in the High Court that Part XV could not impute to a foreign resident for the purposes of the income tax legislation income which would not be taxable in his hands under the UK income tax legislation .
8 Thus although possibly it may amount to a transfer of value it could not amount to a chargeable transfer and it is only upon chargeable transfers that inheritance tax is payable .
9 Detinue , with its procedural disadvantages , wilted considerably under this treatment though it retained a place in the law because inability to redeliver as a result of loss or destruction of the goods could not amount to a positive denial of title for the purposes of conversion .
10 On the basis of this analysis , most of the fifty linguists who participated in the debate could not subscribe to a straightforward conception of linguistic equality .
11 Tomlinson in his commentary argues that this notion need not lead to a simplistic ‘ small is beautiful ’ position .
12 The combination of Germany 's loose asylum laws with 80 million Turks as citizens of the Union need not lead to a rigid common policy on immigration and residence ; it might instead lead to a flexible approach to these issues , allowing Member States to adopt policies in accordance with their own national needs .
13 As my hon. Friend the Member for Bolsover said , the answer does not lie in a permanent military force in Yugoslavia , because that would not lead to a political resolution of the problem — as is the case in Northern Ireland .
14 The 1935 general election was a disappointment and it was a major part of Cripps 's case for the Labour Left that the election due in 1940 would not lead to a Labour victory either .
15 is something that I would not say to a French lady , something that I could say to my daughter , right ?
16 When they are authorised , whether generally or in relation to a particular allotment , the company may resolve by special resolution that section 89(1) shall not apply to a specified allotment under that authority or shall apply with such modifications as are specified in the resolution .
17 It will only serve to annoy the claimants ' advisers and will not lead to a conducive climate for ultimate settlement .
18 The exemption will not apply to a mere agreement for the sale of specific assets or where the vendor is disposing of only part of his interest in the business .
19 If the new if the new settlement proves successful , it will have an impetus all its own and therefore it will not come to a full stop in two thousand and six .
20 For a short while after it fires , the nerve goes through a refractory period when it will not respond to a nervous stimulus .
21 G-7 leaders agreed that " it was for the people of Yugoslavia to decide on their future " and noted that " military force and bloodshed can not lead to a lasting settlement " .
22 This means that there is only one feasible solution satisfying and , therefore , adding further objectives can not lead to a new solution .
23 A rod which is too stiff is useless when it can not react to a sudden , savage pull .
24 You can not go to a Franciscan centre without coming face to face with Francis ' emphasis on the cross .
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