Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Which category should be selected as the base for comparison ?
2 The concern of the six states of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) stemmed from several considerations : regret that two neighbouring Muslim states should be spilling one another 's blood ; anxiety lest the conflict provoke the intervention of one or both superpowers , with dangerous consequences ; fear lest member states be attacked by one of the belligerents if they were suspected of sympathizing with the other ; a feeling that a conflict of this sort diverted Arab and outside world attention and resources from the paramount issue of palestine ; a desire not to see either belligerent emerge from the conflict so strengthened by the spoils of victory as to become the most powerful entity in the Gulf ; and , finally , anxiety lest their internal security should be threatened as a by-product either of the war or of Iran 's revolution .
3 Aziz repeated his government 's view that the problems of the Middle East should be treated as a whole , and confirmed that , in the event of war , Iraq would attack Israel .
4 It is doubtful whether a mere counterparty should be treated as a customer .
5 I propose that it should be treated as a case of criminal kidnap until we have evidence to the contrary . ’
6 As was pointed out in the judgment , ‘ In some contractual relationships , for example life assurance and pensions schemes — some aspects of the law regulating conditions of employment , and … various state-run schemes such as national insurance ’ , 35 it is ultimately a matter for the parties concerned whether the individual should be treated as a man or a woman .
7 While it recommended that the British should not enjoy even the hint of a veto in any form of consultative machinery , it did not think that Britain should be treated as a satellite .
8 Similarly Emperor Marcus answered by rescript that the words in which a testator had provided that ‘ he did not doubt that whatever his wife had received she would restore to his children ’ should be treated as a trust .
9 The rescript is of great utility in ensuring that the honour of a happily concluded marriage and indeed the faith of common children should not deceive a father who had thought better of the mother : therefore the emperor , most provident and most devoted to the cause of law , when he observed that the words of a trust were lacking , ruled by rescript that this expression should be treated as a trust .
10 They should be treated as a guide only and not as a complete or detailed study of the law .
11 They should be treated as a guide only and not as a complete or detailed study of the law .
12 ‘ It is important for the saving of the pool to be at the forefront of everyone 's minds it should be treated as a number one priority . ’
13 A crucial amendment by the 1982 Act was the removal of section 29(4) , which provided that a dispute to which a trade union was party should be treated as a dispute to which workers were parties .
14 It said that terrorism had too often been treated as a law-enforcement problem when it should be treated as a matter of national security and an act of aggression against the USA .
15 40% of the women interviewed considered pregnancy should be treated as a disease and 87% that the perinatal period was a " highly dangerous " time for them .
16 But even where the additional word lego is used , there is no suggestion that Scaevola thinks the disposition should be treated as a legacy .
17 The discount on issue should be treated as a finance cost and apportioned to accounting periods so that the total finance cost on the debt will have a constant relationship to the outstanding obligation .
18 In so far as insolvency law is committed to the principle that property within the apparent ownership of the company should be treated as the company 's in the event of its insolvent liquidation , permitting party autonomy to effect automatic crystallisation undermines this policy .
19 The Crown argued ( unsuccessfully ) that the transactions constituted a settlement within what is now TA 1988 , s663 and that the income of the property transferred to the company should be treated as the income of the transferor ( the case also involved legislation repealed by FA 1972 ) .
20 He also says that ‘ the decoding of sentence meaning should be treated as the end point of development ’ as though the universal superiority of the essayist technique had been firmly established .
21 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
22 P appealed to the High Court , contending that no part of his interest ‘ came to an end ’ within para 4(2) ; he had merely disposed of shares in Q. Similarly , para 4(2) was not deemed to operate by virtue of para 4(1) , which provided that a disposal of an interest in possession of any property was not a transfer of value , but should be treated as the coming to the end of an interest in possession , bringing into play para 4(2) .
23 Every exhibition should be treated as an opportunity to inform visitors about our scientific activities and priorities .
24 Instead it proposes that the 50 mg/litre limit should be treated as an average not a fixed limit .
25 As such , it should be treated as an investment in the infrastructure of the capital and appropriately resourced with both money and the equally important human currency of ideas , creativity , and enthusiasm .
26 As was noted earlier , the liberal tradition should be viewed as a continuum ; and , at the radical end of the continuum , has existed as a continuous , albeit minority , strand : the commitment to collective , social purpose Adult Education .
27 The indicators underpin each other and should be viewed as a whole .
28 From the Comtean perspective the functionalist style in public law should be viewed as a product of the scientific era .
29 Getting acceptance of the technical specification by these functions is the first hurdle for the project manager ; the process should be viewed as a form of insurance that the proposals are not going to give rise to problems in these areas , not as unwarranted interference with the job .
30 This approach need not replace traditional literary criticism : rather , it should be viewed as a step that may lead naturally , where appropriate , into the development of objective analytical skills as pupils learn to reflect on their own writing — and on the creative process itself — in relation to the text that inspired it .
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