Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] with [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The belief that ‘ meaning is in the text ’ , which represents a particular and currently powerful aspect of the search for ‘ literal meaning ’ , should be treated with the same scepticism with which we confront Luther 's claims .
2 While the portrayal of disability issues in the arts arena should be viewed with the same critical eye as the presentation of issues in the political arena , we should also take care not to underestimate the role of the arts in assisting the processes of change .
3 The report also drew attention to a recent interview given by a Vice-President , Seyed Ataollah Mohajerani , to the Iranian news agency IRNA in which he had said " because the enemy has nuclear facilities , the Moslem states too should be equipped with the same capacity " .
4 If sections have been pre-impregnated in a cold-setting resin such as Epo-tek , then they should be bonded with the same material .
5 Ideally , walls on halls , corridors and staircases ( if any ) should be decorated with the same colour or treatment unless they are in quite different parts of the home and can not be seen , one from another .
6 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
7 If this happens in Oxford they 'll be tarred with the same brush .
8 99% of accidents at work could be avoided with a little thought .
9 A further £312 million could be avoided with a little effort by either changing behaviour or by choosing more tax-efficient products which involve more detailed financial planning .
10 The occasional outbreaks of Type II ostertagiasis in young adult sheep in the spring may be treated with the same anthelmintics .
11 The material used for X is quite different from that used for Y but both may be produced with the same labour force .
12 In entrenched provisions it was established that a new roll of African voters ( the African higher roll ) would be created with the same qualifications as those for the European roll , i.e. either an income of 1,800 Rhodesian dollars per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $3,600 , or , an income of $1,200 per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $2,400 and four years of secondary education .
13 Then , on opening them again , he would be confronted with the same problem : which of us is which ?
14 There may be an allusion to it in 11.34 " now when they shall stumble , they shall be helped with a little help , but many shall join themselves unto them with blandishments " .
15 If he gets his way , MFN will be renewed with a few ‘ achievable ’ conditions attached .
16 Today we can talk about sex without modesty or fear , but bring up the subject of death and you will be treated with the same social horror as if you had brought up the subject of masturbation at a Victorian ladies ' tea party .
17 Since common law is based on precedent , the Ontario verdict , expected shortly , will be viewed with no little interest .
18 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
19 If no settlement is reached the shipowners will be faced with the same difficulties that confronted them in 1911 " .
20 All major protective coatings manufacturers will be faced with the same issues .
21 If there is no majority voting then the Community will be left with the same level of impotence it has now . "
22 Each edge in the cover will be labelled with the same label as the edge it covers .
23 Leading international companies are discussing the latest recycling technology , showing what can be done with a few old bottles … and a little imagination .
24 By integrating this last equation from r to infinity the time interval measured at a remote point where the gravitational potential is negligible can be compared with the same time interval measured at r : Re-expressing this result in terms of the gravitational potential gives .
25 Finally , it almost invariably assumes that substantial improvements can be obtained with the same resources .
26 Potatoes are cheap and a considerable amount of profit can be made with a little thought being put into the presentation .
27 The spontaneity of watercolour painting is , I believe , most conducive to recording this type of scene , where fleeting effects of moving light can be captured with a few quick washes and blots , and is as valuable in recording the urban landscapes of today as it was for the rural watercolourists of the 19th century .
29 The spontaneity of watercolour painting is , I believe , most conducive to recording this type of scene , where fleeting effects of moving light can be captured with a few quick washes and blots , and is as valuable in recording the urban landscapes of today as it was for the rural watercolourists of the 19th century .
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