Example sentences of "[vb mod] like [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Briefly , I should like to respond to the Secretary of State and to express my thanks to my hon. Friends who have contributed positively to improving the Bill .
2 I wrote out , over and over , with a calm satisfaction : " I should like to live among the leaves and heather like the birds , to wear a dress of feathers , and to eat berries . "
3 I should like to live in a community , Eleanor Thorne decided , I should like to taste the fruits of life in a small home , a retirement home , an old people 's house , whatever it might be called .
4 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
5 Before we proceed to consider the question as to whether there can be a Christology which is not incompatible with feminism , I should like to point to the significance of this question for Christians .
6 We never in practice achieve the homogeneity of physical properties we should like to assume in the applications of elasticity theory .
7 In that connection , I should like to quote from a letter that the Secretary of State wrote to the right hon. Member for Selby ( Mr. Alison ) who was concerned — rightly so — about a letter that a tenant in his constituency had received from Grand Metropolitan Estates .
8 To close , I should like to quote from a source that especially some of us find more authoritative than a business man .
9 For the purpose of this book , I should like to think of a smallholding as any parcel of agricultural land of up to ( say ) 100 acres , organized to be worked by one or two people , without paid labour , and through which they can make part or the whole of their living .
10 I should like to express to the House on behalf of the people whom I represent and my party our deep feeling of revulsion at what has taken place and our deepest sympathy for those who have suffered .
11 He makes some valid points that I should like to bring to the House 's attention .
12 Millie did not answer straightaway ; then , thought fully , she said , ‘ I thought I might like to go to the day school .
13 Sorry , sir , you said any time after six ; it 's only quarter past ; thought you might like to listen to the news headlines first .
14 Before you visit the Church of St Clement and the Clementinum , you might like to stop for a cup of coffee at the House of the Golden Snake .
15 I thought you might like to stop for a coffee . ’
16 When the Archimandrite suggested that the two ladies might like to lodge at the monastery that night , she was briefly dismissive ; when he pressed his offer of hospitality further , she was brusque .
17 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
18 Conservative Members might like to think about the league table that I am about to cite .
19 It was thought that their former colleagues might like to hear from the University , particularly if some improvement in the alumni services available to those who studied at Stirling years ago could be made both useful and attractive .
20 Anyone who has ever admired ‘ well kept ’ horses in immaculate stables might like to ponder on the fact that wild horses do n't :
21 FLORA Thompson enthusiasts might like to know about a reprint of a 56-page guide of Liphook written by her and which is certain to become a collector 's item .
22 A few FIVEs may like to listen to a reading of comic strips , regardless of whether they understand them .
23 Readers may like to think about the sort of policy interactions involved by asking themselves what would be the effects upon social life and social policy of the reintroduction of a two-year period of compulsory national service .
24 You may like to think of the essay as a journey ; in the introduction you give the directions and the likely route that will be taken .
25 I 'd like to sleep on the train every night . ’
26 Not that I 'd like to sleep in a box , mind you , not without any air — you 'd wake up dead , for a start and then where would you be ?
27 ‘ I do n't think the question of a change is one we 'd like to answer at the moment , ’ a Football Association spokesman said .
28 I 'd like to talk about the needs for and the potential benefits of an industrial strategy and then I 'd like to tell you how the employers view trades unions today .
29 Right , first of all I 'd like to apologize for the fact that Alan 's report and my report especially the first half , are very similar .
30 And I 'd I 'd like to turn to the point that erm Professor Lock raised in in terms of the potential clash of interest if if you like between the restraint of of the policy and the er the development proposals as regards Sel Selby district .
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