Example sentences of "[vb mod] find [pron] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In doing so he might find himself in the company of evolutionary epistemologists such as Riedl ( 1979 ) , whose over-arching theory of life as an ‘ erkenntnisgewinnender prozess ’ seems to require a unitary notion of knowledge or information , information that can be stored in a genome at one end of the evolutionary spectrum , as well as be expressed , at the other end , by scientific theories that make the world a less strange place to live in .
2 From this , we will not be excluded , but will in turn exclude them , including some of those who might find themselves in the terrain of our state because their being on our state threatens the unity of our state , just as they perceive us to be a threat to their unity , and so on and so on .
3 If such a proposal was adopted by the GMC Kay and his committee might find themselves in the dock .
4 You 'll find him in the Royalbion Hospitality Unit . ’
5 ‘ No , but you 'll find him in the bar at the nearest race meeting to London .
6 When there 's no racing nearby , you 'll find him in the Garrick Club . ’
7 There are starters , main courses and side dishes and you 'll find them in the freezer cabinet .
8 You 'll find them in the wine sections , priced from £2.49 to Pounds 2.79 for 200ml .
9 ‘ You 'll find her in the drawing-room , ’ Dot heard Mrs Hollidaye say .
10 If you 're not sure about what you should do when , contact your local Agricultural Development Advisory Service ( ADAS ) office : you 'll find it in the phone book under the section devoted to the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Foods .
11 I could find nothing in the text to justify such an idea , but my aunt said she knew by ‘ feminine intuition ’ .
12 But , before she could find it in the darkness , he switched on the bedside lamp , and her face flamed with colour as he turned to look at her , his eyes darkening as they swept freely over her nakedness .
13 Doubted if I could find it in the undergrowth .
14 I threatened to put him on a discipline charge because whenever the drunks were turning out , you 'd find him in the station writing some trivial bike without a light .
15 That I 'd find you in the office as usual at this time .
16 If there was any popular support for Saddam Hussein anywhere in Iraq after the disasters of the war , I thought I 'd find it in the Sunni Moslem towns on the Tigris north of Baghdad .
17 Amongst the great majority , the faith of earlier centuries persisted , at least outwardly ; indeed , if we look for a movement of thought and feeling that by the end of the century had penetrated into every class of society except the highest , we shall find it in the revival of ‘ vital religion ’ , or ‘ enthusiasm ’ , as it was also called .
18 If he was n't careful he would find himself in the dungeon — or dead .
19 One day when the terrible moment comes and it is bound to come when we shall be talking of the Serb national catastrophe , when we shall be questioning ourselves about who was responsible for it and how it came about that we are the last nation in Europe to be surrounded by such enemies and such hatred , then many of the great brains of the Academy will find themselves in the dock if they live to see the day .
20 Turning right into Havelská Street you will find yourself in the middle of the St Gall area of the Old Town , part of the ancient marketplace founded in 1232 by Wenceslas I. In the 15C the marketplace was split in two by the building of stalls between today 's Rytířská and Havelská , hence the grand houses set on arcades in Rytířská and Havelská and the street of low houses between .
21 He thinks you will find nothing in the mountains but stone and snow .
22 We are confident that they will find nothing in the application which is ‘ incompatible with the statutory objective or the general principle of the Act ’ .
23 I would be extremely interested to know the thinking behind this policy , and look forward to your assurance that next time I buy Spare Rib from W H Smith I will find it in the Women 's Section .
24 ‘ Forget about the bullets , we may find them in the morning . ’
25 You may find yourself in the midst of a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request you made ( 'But you said another five minutes , mum ! ' ) .
26 But if we then turn to the ego — and , still more , the superego — and try to understand the sequence of development there we may find ourselves in the predicament of a person who tried to investigate the musical education of a child who had started learning the piano with grade 2 , then gone on to grade 3 , and finally ended with grade 1 !
27 You can find them in the Loire valley , Burgundy , Alsace and other lesser-known regions like Savoie , the Jura and the Aude .
28 So if we just go through these and then you can find them in the word search if you like .
29 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
30 Their address should be available from the hospital or you can find it in the telephone book .
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